"I'll explain it all better when I'm home. Daddy."

"You're sure you're all right?"

"Yes, Daddy."

I thought it would be easier to explain my ankle when I was there.

"Your mother has to speak to you," Daddy said, and a second later. I heard Mommy say my name.

"I'm okay. Mommy. Please don't cry." I begged, "We didn't want to hurt anyone. It was something I had to do for Harley and now it's over and I'll be on my way home."

"Where are you?"

"Ill tell you everything, tomorrow." I said.

"Your uncle Roy is very, very upset. honey. He's worried and just beside himself. He hasn't worked. He sits by the phone. Can you get Harley to call him?"

"I don't know. Mommy."

"He really cares for him, honey. He is sick over this and after all his sadness. too."

"I know. Mommy," I said, tears burning my eyes. "I'll talk to him about it. I promise."

"What time will vou be home?"

"I'll call you from the airport in the morning, Mommy."

"I don't know what to think about all this. I just don't know," she said, her voice cracking with disappointment. It made me sick inside.

"I'll see you tomorrow. Mommy, Tell Daddy I love him and I love you."

"Summer, hurry back," she cried.

I hung up, the tears now fleeing my eyes like tiny fugitives frantic for a quick escape from my burning cheeks.

Harley put his arm around my shoulders.

"Thanks," he said. "Ill get you to the airport first thing. I promise."

I couldn't talk. I just nodded and he led me back to the truck.

"Summer's going home tomorrow. Dad," Harley told his grandfather.

"Oh. Well, that's okay. She's welcome to stay as long as she wants, of course."

"I'll have to take her to the airport before joining you at the job ."

"No problem," his grandfather said. He smiled. "With all we got done today. I could take a whole day off and it wouldn't hurt the schedule. Might even do that," he declared.

Harley laughed. He held my hand and stared at me and then, when his grandfather wasn't looking, he leaned over to kiss my cheek and whisper "thank you," one more time.

How do you tell someone who thinks he is standing on top of the world that he's standing on a bubble of lies?

And it could be a long and painful way down to the truth.


The Secret Room