"Yes, she did."

"She showed it to me this morning," Harley said. winking.

"Her beliefs seem strange to you. I'm sure, but your beliefs would probably seem just as strange to someone from her land. It all depends on where you're standing when you see something." he declared. "I learned that from being on the sea."

Harley smiled at him. He was becoming so charmed, even bewitched, with his grandfather and every word out of his mouth with every passing minute would make it more difficult for him when he learned the truth. I thought. I almost felt like keeping it a secret and just leaving, hoping he would make his own discoveries and learn to accept them. It confused me. I really didn't know what to do.

When I offered to help clean up. Harley's grandfather insisted I go into the living room and relax.

"As soon as I help her,Ill drive you over to Hurleyville to make that phone call." he promised.

"Great," Harley said. "Thanks." He looked at me and then turned back to him and said. "Dad."

His grandfather beamed. I had to look away quickly.

"You don't have to help me," Suze told him. She looked at me hard. "You take her to call."

"Okay. You heard her." He leaned toward us. "You don't fool around with a woman who knows Voodun and could put a wicked spell on you," he whispered with an impish smile.

Harley laughed. but I felt a lump stop my swallowing. I was hoping for a private moment with Harley before we left, but his grandfather was on top of us constantly, helping me navigate the porch steps and getting me into the truck. They put my crutch in the back, but we were all still squeezed close together in the cab.

As we rode along what seemed to me to be rather bumpy roads, his grandfather talked about the area, pointing out different buildings and houses in which he had worked.

"About five years ago, they started this custom home development and I took on more work than I wanted. Suze bawled me out for it and eventually I got myself out of some contracts. She really looks after me. Nothing better than having a good woman look after you," he lectured.

He glanced at me after he made a turn onto a better road.

"Harley says you're about the best friend he's got now. Nothing wrong with a man having a woman as a best friend. There's trust and that's important. He knows you won't do anything to hurt him and vice versa." he added.

When I looked at him. I thought his eyes were fixed more firmly on me. Was he trying to tell me something? My nerves were frazzled as it was. Now they felt like they were snapping like strained wires. My heart pounded. I felt Harley slide his hand into mine and squeeze. When I looked at him, he was smiling. I didn't think I had ever seen him as happy as he was these past hours, and on the tip of my tongue were the words that would wipe that happiness out of his mind and heart as quickly as someone erasing the words I love you from a blackboard.

I stared ahead. thinking only of Mommy and what I would say.

We stopped at a garage and Harley's father pointed to the pay phone.

"If that one don't work, none of em work here," he remarked.

Harley jumped out to see if there was a dial tone and waved me on, smiling.

His grandfather came around to help me get out of the truck.

He handed me the crutch and smiled. "Thank you."

"No problem," he said. I went to the phone. Harley handed the receiver to me and our eyes locked for a moment

"I want to go home tomorrow. Harley," I said.

He nodded. "Fine," he said. "Just don't tell them where I am until I say so. okay? Please." he begged.

My heart felt so heavy. I glanced back at his grandfather, who stood by his truck, watching us. I could blurt it out right here and now. I thought, but what would it be like afterward? I was afraid for both of us.

I nodded and dialed the operator to place a collect call. Moments later. I heard Daddy's voice.

"Summer, where are you? What's going on?"

"I'm fine. Daddy. I really am. We're with... Harley's family," I said quickly, "but I'm coming home tomorrow. I'll fly to Richmond," I said.

"Your mother's beside herself here. This was just crazy, just crazy."