"I feel terrible," I said. She nodded.

You drink and eat this. It is good for your stomach," she decl

ared. She handed me the glass.

I shook my head.

"Where's Harley?"

"He be gone to work."

"Gone to work? What time is it?"

"Ten-thirty," she replied.

"Ten-thirty! I slept until ten-thirty!"

I tried to stand up, but the room spun. I sat back quickly, gasping for air.

"Drink," she said, pumping the glass at me. "It give you strength."

"What is it?"

"Just combination of herbs and juices," she said. "Take," she said with more insistence.

Reluctantly. I took the glass and brought it to my lips. It didn't have much of an aroma, but when I tasted it. I thought there was a lot of banana and coconut in it.

"Drink" she urged. "You feel better. You see."

I drank some more and then she handed me the plate with the slice of bread.

"Something solid now. Go."

I nibbled on the slice. It didn't taste bad and maybe she was right. Maybe I did need something in my stomach. I ate as much as I could, She stood there watching me as if she was afraid I might throw it away and pretend I had eaten it. Her hair was exactly how it had been yesterday, but today she wore a light brown dress and sandals. I noticed she had a chain around her neck that looked like it was made of bone with some crystals at the center.

Suddenly. I realized I had fallen asleep before I had called Mommy and Daddy to let them know I was all right. It put such a panic in me, my face got hot with fear. Suze's eyes widened. I imagined she thought I was having another reaction to the food and medicines.

"I forgot to call my parents!" I cried. "I've got to call them right away. Is there a phone upstairs?"

She shook her head and picked up my tray. "Well, where is the phone?"

"Kitchen," she said and started away. "Oh," she said. stopping. She reached into a pocket of her dress and pulled out a slip of paper. "He give me this for you when you wake up." She stepped back to hand it to me.

"Thank you," I said, "Merci."

"Merci," she repeated, nodding and smilina. I opened the note.

Dear Summer,

I had to leave with my father early to get to his job site. I checked on you all night, but you were sleeping so soundly, I didn't want to wake you. Same this morning. We should be back by four. I know you are going to call your parents today. I'd like to ask a favor. Please don't tell them exactly where we are just yet. I need this day with my dad and I know if they find out where we are, your mother will tell Roy for sure and they'll either come get us or call the police to come get us and ruin it all. I know its mean of me to ask you to do this but it would be just for another day. If you can't, you can't.I'll understand.

Love, Harley

I expected Harley was right about what Mommy would do and certainly what Roy might do, but it wasn't going to be easy to keep such information from her. I hoped I could make her understand. If she wasn't so angry at me, that is. I thought and got myself moving. I dabbed my face in cold water and after going to the bathroom. started down the stairs. I heard Suze humming some Haitian melody as she cleaned the house. Going directly into the kitchen. I picked up the receiver and dialed for an operator. I listened, but I didn't hear any ringing. so I tried again and listened. I pressed the hook up and down and dialed and listened. Still. all I heard was silence so I went to find Suze.

She was dusting in the living room.

"Excuse me," I said and she stopped humming and working and turned to me.