Maybe it was the power of suggestion, but my stomach suddenly took a spin and then rumbled. I felt myself go a little white in the face.

"You all right?" Harley asked. I shook my head.

"I think I have to go to the bathroom," I said. I rose and reached for my crutch.

"There's one off the kitchen." Harley's father said. I looked at Harley.

"Maybe I better use the one upstairs."

"Suit yourself," his father said and sat back to light his pipe while Suze began to clear the table.

"I'm sorry I can't help with the dinner dishes. but..."

"That's okay. I'll help her." Harley told me.

I moved quicky up the stairs, found the bathroom and went in almost too late. Everything I had just eaten seemed to run right through me. Taking the pill before such a spicy dinner was probably a bad idea. I thought-- or else what she had given me in that drink had brought this about, too.

I was in the bathroom so long, Harley came by to see if I was all right.


"I'm sorry, Harley. I got sick so fast!"

"Its okay. Let me 'mow if you need anything.'"

"I'll be out soon," I promised. When I did finally step out of the bathroom. I felt myself spin so badly, I nearly toppled. I guess I hit the wall hard enough for Harley to hear and come running, his father beside him.

"I feel a little weak," I said.

Harley rushed to my side and put his arm around my waist,

"Just let her lay down for a while," his father suggested. "She'll be fine in an hour or so, for sure."

"Yes, I'll be fine," I said. My eyes felt so heavy, I thought they might roll out of my head.

Harley practically carried me to the room. He guided me to the bed and I lay back. He took off my shoes and pulled the blanket up to my neck.

"How you doing. Summer?" "Tired," I said.

"Just rest a while. I'll check on you in a few minutes or so." he promised.

I nodded. but I didn't speak or open my eyes.

The next time I did open them, I was greeted by the light of morning. For a few moments, my mind was so clouded with confusion I didn't move. It was as if my most recent memories had been washed away. Where was I? How did I get here? Why was my ankle bandaged? The struggle for these answers put me into a terrible panic. I started to cry. Finally. I sat up and concentrated until it all began to flood back in and over me.

"Harley!" I cried.

I listened. All I heard was the sound of water running through a pipe somewhere in the house.


The water stopped running and I called again, louder. Then. I heard footsteps coming up the stairway. I looked to the door of my room. It opened and Suze came walking in. She had another juice drink and what looked like a slice of some kind of fruit and nut bread.

"Bon Jour! I bring you something for matin . . . breakfast. Comment ca va?"


"How are you?"