I nodded and then shrugged.

"Where I come from, Philip, she wouldn't be more than an annoying fly. One swat and she's gone."

He laughed loudly.

"All right, yes," he said. He looked at Randall. "You better be prepared if you're going to make any sort of play for this girl, Randall boy," Philip said as he rose. "Gotta go. See you later, Rain Arnold."

I looked at Randall. His face was the color of fresh strawberries.

"Listen to him. You're a little friendly with someone here," he said, "and the next thing you know, they've got you engaged. I hope you're not offended."

He really looked nervous; his hand trembled as he raised his teacup to his lips.

"Don't worry about it," I said. "The last thing on ray mind at the moment is romance."

"Me too," he said quickly as if that was what I would want him to say.

I couldn't keep my eyebrows from hoisting.


"Yeah, sure, I mean...I don't mean I wouldn't want to ask you out or anything, but...I have to be serious about my work and..."

"I don't know how we could get along anyway," I said gazing down at my tea.

"What? Why?"

"You went ahead and assumed I was a tif. I'm a mif."


"You put my tea in first," I said.

He stared for a moment and then he laughed.

"Oh. Yeah. Sure. I'm sorry. I should have asked."

"I'm just kidding. I don't know the difference. I just arrived. I haven't even seen the city yet."

"Really? Oh, Well, maybe we could meet someday this week and tour a little. I've been here a few times, but I never really paid much attention to anything. I was always with my parents on those tour group things. Would you like that?"

"Sure," I said.


He looked so relieved.

But just at that moment, Leslie and Catherine burst into the cafeteria and immediately went, "Oh, oh, oh,"

Randall turned crimson again as Catherine sat beside him and rubbed her shoulder against his.

"I try for him all this week and you win him with one smile already, cherie?" she asked me.

"All right, Catherine, control yourself," Randall pleaded. Leslie stepped up behind him and put her hand on his other shoulder.

"Maybe we share him, eh, Rain?"

"Will you two stop it!" Randall cried. He glanced at me and then shot up. "I have to get to stagecraft and do some preparation. See you all later," he said, looking at me once more before hurrying out.