"Tres bien. I am Catherine and this is my sister Leslie. Welcome," she said.

"Thank you."

"Are you living in the dormitory, too?" Catherine asked.

"No. I'm staying with the sister of a friend. Actually, I'm working for room and board, helping with the housework, the meals."

"An au pair," they both declared with laughter.


"Tres bien," Leslie said. "You want to be what, a singer, a dancer, an actress?"

"I'm supposed to study acting, yes. Are you dancers?"

"Today we are," Catherine said. "Tomorrow we are singers?'

They laughed again, first turning to each other and then giggling. Both had button noses, small mouths and pretty smiles.

"We are from Paris," Catherine said, extending her hand.

"My name is Rain Arnold. I'm from Virginia."

"Enchante," Leslie said. "You speak any French?"

I shook my head.

"Well, you will learn something from every language and perhaps speak French by the time you go back to America, eh?" Catherine said. She looked at Leslie for confirmation, but Leslie just shrugged.

"Maybe, maybe not Monsieur MacWaine's office is just through here," she said pointing at a door. "He's busy figuring his numbers."


"Monies, dollars, franks, pounds, lire, yen," Catherine rattled off. "He's Monsieur Moneybags, eh?"

"Oui. He will make you a star, che'rie," Leslie said. "For a price."

They laughed again.

"You see all these stars?" her sister declared, gesturing toward the framed photographs on the walls. "How do you say ...graduate... graduates from here? Someday maybe your picture will hang here, too?"

I nodded.. The wall of fame looked impressive.

"We are off to electrocution lessons. We see you later, perhaps, yes?" Catherine said.


"Oui. Where you learn how to speak perfect?'

"Oh, you mean elocution lessons."

"Mais oui. See you later."

"I guess," I said as they turned and went through the door on my right.

They had come and gone in a whirlwind of energy and laughter. I found the door to Mr. MacWaine's small office open. He was on the telephone. The moment he saw me, he ended his conversation and beckoned for me to come in as he rose and came around his desk. There were pictures of former students on the walls in here as well and pictures of what looked to be dramatic productions. On one wall were posters from musicals and plays.

"Rain, how delightful to see you. Was your trip all right? Are you settled in with Mrs. Hudson's sister?"