bald- faced lie?

"I wasn't sure what they wanted to know," I

said. "I thought I told them everything they wanted to

know." My mother's eyes narrowed a bit.

"Your father said they called you a lawyer's

daughter, something like that."

I kept eating.

"Karen's mother, I heard, told the authorities

she has no idea what would drive Karen to do such a

thing. Should she have an idea, Zipporah?"

"She's her mother," I replied. "Sure she should." "But you don't know why she did what she


"I wasn't there," I said. I stopped eating and

looked as I felt, upset, even getting nauseated. "I knew she had a knife in her room, but I never thought she

would . . . she would . ." I started to gag.

"Okay, okay. I just want you to be comfortable

with what you told the police. Let's not talk about it

anymore. What are you going to do today?"

"I'll catch up on some of my studying and do

some reading and rest," I said.

"Good. I've got to do some shopping before I

return to the hospital today, so I'm going to leave in

about an hour. I'd take you with me, only I don't think

it would look so good, your not going to school but

shopping instead."

"It's all right. I want to stay here."

"Fine. You call Daddy if you don't feel well or

anything," she said. "Call him especially if Karen gets

in touch with you, Zipporah. If she does, tell her to go

to her mother immediately."