Page 15 of Olivia (Logan 5)

challenge my report of her birthing. Even I had to

admit I was impressed with how radiant she looked. I

knew Carmelita hadn't been up here after breakfast, so

it was clear Belinda had straightened up her room and

opened the curtains wide to permit the soft, bright

sunshine to come pouring through, making everything

look clean and fresh.

Belinda was wearing one of her sheerest

nighties, the neckline of which dipped into her

cleavage, revealing breasts well matured. With the

blanket lowered, the contour of her breasts was all but

fully revealed. She wore her well-brushed hair down

to her shoulders. The strands turned up softly at the

ends. Belinda always had richer looking hair than I,

but she fussed with it far more than I bothered with

my own. If she had her way, she would turn the walls

of her room into mirrors. She never seemed to tire of

looking at her own image.

"Pull up your blanket or put on your robe," I ordered. She blushed and pulled the blanket against

her chest quickly.

"Now, who's come to see me?" she declared

like some Southern belle.

The three boys moved timidly into her room. "They claim they called you, so I don't know

how you could wonder who it was, Belinda," I

remarked. She ignored me and concentrated on them. "I brought you these," Arnold said quickly and

thrust the bouquet of red roses toward her.

"Oh, they're just beautiful, aren't they, Olivia?

Can we find a vase for them?"

"We?" I asked.

She tilted her head with that childish grin. "Well, I don't think it would be proper for me to