Page 74 of Melody (Logan 1)

clear into the other world. Dad says it was meant to


"How can something so terrible be meant to


"It's what my father believes," he said. "Is that why he doesn't seem one bit sad about

my father's death, even though my father was his

brother? It was meant to be?"

Cary was silent. He kept his head down and

kicked some sand. A particularly loud tern cried at the

approaching storm.

"And your sister's death," I pursued. "Was that

also meant to be?"

He looked at me, his eyes glistening with tears. "I don't like talking about Laura's. . Laura's


"If you keep sadness and pain bottled up, it

swells and swells inside you until you burst," I said.

"Mama Arlene told me that."

"Yeah, well I never had the pleasure of meeting

Mama Arlene," he replied. "I'm going back to the

house. Do what you want."

"Why did your father stop talking to my

father?" I demanded, my hands on my hips. He

hesitated and then turned. "He told me my daddy

defied his parents. What did he mean by that? What

did my daddy do to them?"

"I don't know."

"But Aunt Sara and Uncle Jacob must have

talked about it often."

"I don't listen in on their private talks," he said.

"Besides, it's over and done, why talk about it now?" "I know. You've got to go with the tide." He widened his eyes and lifted his eyebrows. "Well," I continued, "sometimes you have to