Page 88 of Melody (Logan 1)

"Maybe you should stay away from them." "They invited me to their beach party tonight,

but my uncle won't let me go."

"A beach party!" She hesitated and with some

envy said, "Sounds like fun. Maybe you're going to

like living there after all."

"I don't think so," I said. "I wish I were back


"I was passing the cemetery yesterday and I

thought about you so I went in and said a little prayer

at your father's grave for you."

"Did you? Thank you, Alice. I miss you." "Maybe, if you're still there, I can come up to

visit you this summer."

"That would be great, but I expect to be gone

from here by then. Mommy's coming to get me as

soon as she gets settled. Which reminds me, have you

seen Mama Arlene? Mommy was supposed to contact

her to send me my things."

"I saw her, but George is real sickly." "I know."

"I think he may be in the hospital."

"Oh no! Would you please tell Mama Arlene I

called?" "I'll go right over to see her," Alice promised. I gave her my uncle's name and telephone

number and she promised to call me the next


"I really have no friends since you left," she

admitted at our conversation's end. It brought tears to

my eyes. After I hung up, May wanted to know why I was crying. I tried to explain, but I really didn't know enough sign language to reveal all the pain in my

heart. It was easier just to go home.

When we arrived, Aunt Sara explained that

dinner was going to be different this night. Uncle

Jacob had invited another lobster man and his wife,