"You have a therapy session at one today," Mrs. Clancy told Daddy.

"I think I've already had enough therapy for a while," he quipped, and both he and Kimberly laughed again. They were acting like two teenagers. 'Besides, we're taking, a ride over to Kimberly's apartment today to get some things together. She's moving in to take over most of your duties, Mrs. Clancy. There is no more reason for you to stay. I'll see to it that you're given a month's salary."

Mrs. Clancy's mouth dropped open, but then she quickly closed it and smiled. "Why, it seems that Christmas has come early this year," she said.

Kimberly thought that was hysterical and broke into laughter again. Daddy laughed, too.

"Touche, Mrs. Clancy. I'll miss your sweet and warm smile every day, and those loving hands of yours."

Mrs. Clancy rose so quickly, she nearly tipped over her chair. "I'll pack up immediately," she said. "Give my best wishes to your mother."

"Will do," Daddy said.

Nancy stood in the doorway listening to everything and not moving. Mrs. Clancy glanced at her and then left the dining room. I had been holding my breath the whole time.

"Oh, look at little Jordan," Kimberly said. "Don't be frightened, honey. I'll take very good care of your daddy."

"That's for sure," Daddy said. "Nancy. I'm starving. How about some cheese omelets."

"Very good, Mr. March," Nancy said, and returned to the kitchen.

"Now that Kimberly will be here full time, Jordan," Daddy said, "you can invite some of your friends over to go swimming. She can supervise. Okay?"

I nodded, but thought Grandmother Emma was going to be very, very angry about all this. And what would happen when Mama woke up and found out, too?

"In fact," Daddy continued, "things are going to change radically around here now. We're going to bring, some fun back into this place. Just think of it as a constant party."

Kimberly giggled.

"What about Grandmother Emma?" I asked.

"What about her?" Daddy said. "She wasted most of her life being so serious and never enjoying all that she had and look what it's gotten her. Now it's too late for her to enjoy it, but I'll make up for it for her," he added, and Kimberly smiled and nudged him. "I mean, Kimberly and I will."

"She'll be angry if we have parties here all the time, Daddy."

"She won't know anything anymore, Jordan." He leaned on the table. "Your grandmother has had what is called a stroke."

"I know."

"It's severe. She won't recuperate. She'll never be what and who she was. In fact, I'll be arranging for her to be in a facility."

"She's not coming home?"

"I doubt that very much. We don't have a lift on the stairway, remember?" he said with a cold smile. "And we'd have to rip apart some more of the mansion to accommodate her and you heard what she said about that. She wouldn't disturb this house any more than she had to for me and that was done begrudgingly. No, this is no place for a woman in that condition. Maybe Mrs. Clancy can get a job in the facility and care for her.

"Don't look so worried. You'll be happier, believe me."

"What about Ian?" I asked.

"There's not much to do about Ian at the moment. We have enough to deal with anyway.."

"And Mama?"

"Whatever she needs, she'll have, but it doesn't look like she's going to need much, Jordan. I'm sorry about it all, about your father being in this damn chair, about your brother and your mother, but we'll either roll over and die or ring some bells and blow som

e whistles," he added, and smiled at Kimberly.

She smiled and then leaned over to kiss his cheek. I couldn't help how I looked, but whatever the expression was on my face, it brought them both back to that teenage laughter.