“There’s a great sound system in there. You’ll be singing along,” Jesse said.

“And a navigator,” Edward added. “We’ll show you how to use everything, so don’t worry.”

“What is this navigator?”

“It tells you how to get where you’re going if you are not sure of the route,” Jesse said.

“So, you can never get lost.”

“You have bought this for me?”

“It’s in your name. Not my mother, nor my sister, no one, has anything to do with it but you.”

“Stop looking so worried,” Jesse said, laughing. “We’ll take turns driving with you until you’re perfectly comfortable with it.”

“You did pass your driving test and the school driver’s course with flying colors,” Edward reminded me.

“Sí, but I have not driven much since.”

“So, now you will, and you won’t have to depend on anyone. This, by the way,” Edward said, handing me a credit card, “is your gas card. You know how to put gas in a car, right?”

I looked at him.

“Take it.”

“But you are giving me so much.”

“It pleases me,” he said. “Don’t you know that it’s better to give than to receive? Didn’t your grandmother teach you that?”

I shook my head. “Demasiado. This is too much, Edward. Your mother will be very angry.”

“Won’t be the first time,” he said, looking at Jesse. They both smiled. “Look, it’s my money, Delia. She has nothing to say about it.”

“However,” Jesse sang, “there will be someone who will have much to say about it.”

“Your keys, señorita,” Edward said, handing me two sets of keys. “You just push this here, and it unlocks the doors and puts on the lights, and here to lock it.”

“I’d advise you to keep it locked, even here, especially here,” Jesse said.

“By next weekend, you will not be using crutches, and we’ll be abl

e to start the driving lessons so you’re comfortable with your car,” Edward promised.

We all heard the front door open and looked up to see Sophia and Alisha gaping at the three of us.

“Here it goes,” Jesse whispered.

“Whose car is that?” Sophia demanded, coming down the steps.

“This car,” Edward said, putting his hand on the car’s roof and leaning over to look at her, “is registered in the name of Delia Yebarra. Do you know such a person?”

Sophia’s eyes widened with such surprise I thought she would tear away her eyelids. Her mouth opened and closed. “You bought her a car?”

“Not just any car. This is Motor Scope’s sports car of the year,” he replied. As he came around the vehicle, he casually added, “I kept thinking of all those birthdays Delia had that we missed and thought this might make up for it. What do you think, Sophia? Is it enough or should I…”

“You’re lying,” Sophia said. “You didn’t buy her a car.”

Edward looked back at the car.