“Thank you. Buenas noches,” I told her.

She smiled and stood there to watch us drive off.

“How long have you been friends with Fani?” Adan asked as we turned out of the driveway and onto the street.

“Not long,” I said.

“I don’t think Fani has all that many friends,” he said. He looked at me. “Does she?”

“Most of the girls in the school want to be her friend.”

“Yes, but she knows it and plays hard to get. There must be something she likes about you for her to invite you to her home.” He smiled. “If Fani likes you, you have to be special.”

When I didn’t answer, he added, “I’ll have to find out what that is.”

It made me nervous to hear him say such things, so I asked him questions about himself and got him to tell me more about his youth, his education, and his work with his father. He told me he had a business degree from the University of Southern California, and I told him that was where my cousin Edward now was, but I said little more about Edward. Even though I didn’t like to think about it, Sophia and her friends spreading nasty rumors made me more aware of mentioning Edward to anyone, especially if I spoke with pride and admiration about him. It made me angry that I had to be so frightened, but I was afraid someone might just think she was right and all the terrible things she was making up about us were true.

Adan wasn’t interested in hearing about any other man, anyway. He was just interested in me.

“I really would like to hear more about your life in Mexico and your impressions about people here. I think I’ll take up Fani’s invitation to that party. How about I pick you up?” he asked as we turned up the street that would take us to my aunt’s hacienda.

“I must see what my aunt says first. My cousin Sophia has been invited, too.”

“Well, if we have to bring her with us, we can. I have three cars, and the two others are sedans.”

“Three cars? Why do you need so many?”

He laughed. “It’s not because I need them, Delia. I like cars. I’ll have more than three soon. I’m going to build up my personal car collection.”

I shook my head in amazement. Back in my Mexican village, it would be wonderful to have a bottle-cap collection.

“So, tell me, are there many boys asking you out?” he asked.

“Not many.”

“What, are boys shyer these days? I can’t imagine you being in my school and not asking you out. No grass grows on this rolling stone,” he said, pointing his thumb at himself. He smiled at me, but I couldn’t relax. “You look worried,” he said, reading the expression on my face.

“I have not been here that long, Adan. I don’t always know how to respond or what to say.”

“Sure,” he said. “That makes sense. I think it would be great fun to show you things, teach you things. You’re not one of these twisted sisters most girls your age are. You’re a fresh drink of water.”

I laughed at that and then looked pensive quickly.

“What?” he asked seeing my expression change.

“I have been compared to water once before, a river.”

“You can flow in my backyard any day you like,” he said, and laughed.

I started to relax. Now he was the one who suddenly looked very serious.

“I’m glad you were there tonight, Delia. You saw the beginning of something historic. My father is going to be a great man, not that he isn’t already; he’s just going to be appreciated finally. My family will be an important family in this state. We’ll be good people to know.”

“Yes, your father is an impressive man, Adan. I understand why you are so proud.”

“Thanks,” he said. “This is it, right?” He nodded at the entrance to Tía Isabela’s property.
