“I don’t think I want to hear this,” I said.

“Sure you do. Stop it. You need to know these things. Just be happy it’s me telling you and not some jealous girlfriend or somebody. Anyway, it aroused me quickly, and before I knew it, he was undoing my dress and slipping my panties off. I unhooked my bra. I thought it would ruin things for him to fumble about, you know?”

“Haylee, I can’t believe you’re telling me this.”

“Believe it. He didn’t even get undressed for a while, but he was kissing me everywhere, and I mean everywhere, Kaylee. When he went down here, I thought I would pass out. My heart was pounding so hard, and the room seemed to be spinning. Then he got undressed. He had what he needed in the drawer next to his bed.”

“How convenient. That means he’s had other girls in his room.”

“So? I told you he was experienced, didn’t I?”

“Didn’t it bother you that he was with other girls?”

“Why should it? We weren’t engaged or anything. Anyway, he knew I was a virgin, of course.”

“How did he know?”

“He knew.”

“You told him that?”

“He kept telling me how important it was to relax,” she continued, ignoring my question. “Especially down here,” she said, holding her hands over her pelvis. “He told me he would be gentle and careful. When he started, I didn’t want him to be gentle. I think he was surprised at how good I was,” she said proudly. “Oh, and he told me not to worry about any bleeding, because we’d wash and change the sheets.”

“How considerate.”

“He was impressed that I didn’t bleed,” she said, smiling. “That’s when I told him about Paige’s mother’s vibrator.”

“You told him that, too? I’m getting sick to my stomach,” I said. “Let’s go to sleep.”

“There’s more, Kaylee. You should listen. I’m sure you’ll be doing it with Matt Tesler.”

“I’m not so sure.”

“Well, if you don’t, maybe I will. He’s not bad-looking.”

I could feel the blood rise up my neck and into my face. “I want to go to sleep. I’m tired, Haylee.”

“Don’t you want to hear about the second time? Jimmy was very impressed that I wanted to do it again so soon.”

“I’m glad you scored points with him. You can be sure he’ll be spreading the news, and we’ll both have to live with that.”

“You’re right. He probably will brag. I don’t know why boys can brag about their sex lives, but we can’t. It’s not fair.”

“I’ll take it up with the United Nations in the morning,” I said, and stood to indicate that she should leave my room.

She stared at me a moment, her eyelids narrowing with suspicion. “You like boys, right? I don’t want to learn I have inherited something with you.”

“I like boys, Haylee. Don’t worry about it.”

“Good,” she said. “Okay. You sleep on it, and we’ll talk about it again. You’ll thank me, that’s for sure.”

“If Mother ever heard about this—”

Her eyes nearly exploded as Haylee’s Comet arrived. “Don’t you even think about telling her anything!”

“I wouldn’t. Of course not. I would suffer just as much as you would. We both know that. I’m simply saying that if Jimmy Jackson brags and other boys talk about you and it gets to someone’s parents and then they tell another and another, it could wind its way back to our front door.”

She relaxed, looking a little worried now. “That won’t happen, and if it does, I’ll deny it and say he was just trying to look big. And you’ll back me up, right? Right?