“But Mrs. Bledsoe said people are resilient, and if they are healthy—”

“Mrs. Bledsoe puts Band-Aids on people, Semantha, takes their blood pressure, and dispenses pills. What would she possibly know about this experience? The most important thing that she’s probably lost is her thermometer. I doubt she’s lost her virginity. The faster she’s gone, the better chance we have to bring back some normalcy into this home. As long as she’s here, it smells and feels like a hospital. Daddy will realize that soon. He’s pretty smart. You’ll see.”

I said nothing. I finished my work and then started up to see Mother. Daddy was talking with Mrs. Bledsoe in the hallway. They both turned to me as I approached.

“She drifts in and out,” Daddy said. “Don’t be frightened, honey. It’s all right. She’ll soon be up and around.”

I looked at Mrs. Bledsoe, who nodded, and then I went in to see Mother. I sat with her and talked about school. Sometimes she listened, sometimes she just stared as if she were alone and heard nothing. I kept expecting Cassie, but she never came up. Finally, Mrs. Bledsoe came in and told me I should just let Mother rest now. She said she would sit with her and that I shouldn’t worry. I thanked her, kissed Mother, and left. I thought I would go directly to my room to do my homework, but when I came to the stairway, I heard the sound of Cassie’s laughter. It was coming from the living room. Curious, I went down to see.

She was sitting with Daddy, who was sipping some coffee. They both turned to me when I entered. The way Cassie was looking at me made me feel as if I had interrupted two adults having an adult conversation. Whatever it was, it wasn’t for my ears.

“How was she?” Daddy asked quickly.

I told him how she did seem to drift in and out.

“Mrs. Bledsoe assures me it’s not unusual. In a few days, Dr. Moffet will stop by. Cassie was just telling me about some of the amusing and ridiculous things that happened in school today. I must say we have to reconsider the idea of a private school for you two. I imagine you’d like that.”

“Maybe,” I said. He looked surprised.

“She’ll like it, I’m sure,” Cassie said. “For now, you’d better see to your homework. I’m too busy to go over it with you, Semantha. It takes her longer when I don’t help her,” she explained to Daddy. He nodded.

That wasn’t completely true. It was only when I had some difficult math. I started to say something, but she turned away and whispered something to Daddy that made him laugh. Frustrated, I turned away and went upstairs.

Cassie didn’t come up until much later, and she didn’t stop by my room. I heard her go into hers and close the door. I finished my homework and went to bed. I fell asleep quickly but was woken in the middle of the night by the sound of some commotion. It was just before three in the morning. I heard Cassie’s voice and quickly got out of bed, terrified that something had happened to Mother.

Daddy was in the hallway. He was in his robe and slippers. Cassie, in her nightgown, was listening to him. I hurried to see what was happening.

“What’s wrong? Is something wrong with Mother?” I asked, holding my breath and pressing my hand over my heart.

“No,” Cassie said. “It’s Mrs. Bledsoe.”

“She thinks she might have a bad case of the stomach flu,” Daddy said. “It’s terrible, Semantha. My fault. I should have made sure everything she needed was in that bedroom and bathroom.”

“What do you mean, Daddy?”

He shook his head.

“Mrs. Bledsoe has the runs,” Cassie said, “and there was apparently no toilet paper or tissues. She’s messed herself the way some of her patients do. It’s quite unpleasant.”

“But … I thought …”

She turned back to Daddy. “If she might have the flu, Daddy, it’s very dangerous for Mother in her run-down state. I’ll see to Mrs. Bledsoe, but you should make immediate arrangements to send her home. Don’t worry. I’ll stay home tomorrow and take care of Mother.”

Daddy was very flustered. He actually started in one direction and then went in another. “It’s so late. We can’t send her home in the middle of the night like this,” he decided.

“She’s a nurse, Daddy. I would think she would be all right.”

“I don’t know.”

“I don’t even like you going in there now. Flu can be very infectious, and you could carry it into your bedroom and infect Mother.”

He nodded. “But you …”

“I won’t stay long, and I will be careful not to get too close to her or touch her.”

She went to the hall closet and gathered up toilet paper and tissues and some clean towels and washcloths.

“Go back to Mother, Daddy. I’m sure she’s disturbed. I can handle this.”