“This was the best family dinner out we’ve had in years,” Keith says quietly, taking my hand as I lead him toward my car. “Carsen really likes you. I was just taking it all in.”

“She’s a great little girl,” I answer honestly. “Sarah’s done a good job being a mother figure for her. But . . . do you think she’ll be worried if Carsen and I become friends?”

“Not at all, we talked about that already,” Keith says. We reach my car, and he pulls me in close. “You’re a wonderful person, and I’m glad you’re getting to know my daughter.”

I put my arms around Keith’s neck, looking up into his eyes. “I’m happy to know my nerdy boyfriend has such a sweet family.”

Keith chuckles and pulls me in close for a kiss. It’s tender, and while there’s a little bit of fire underneath his touch, it’s restrained for now. Still, I moan, slipping my tongue over his once before pulling back. “Just in case they’re spying on us again.”

“I have no doubt they are,” Keith says, smirking. “Carsen because she’s curious, Sarah because she wants to make sure I behave.”

“I happen to like when you don’t behave,” I purr, pressing my body against his. “I missed you.”

“I know. I missed you too,” Keith rumbles. “And if you can be a good girl for just a couple more days, you and I can have plenty of time together to make sure you get a heaping dose of—”

“You’d better stop,” I warn him, my heartbeat speeding up. “Or else we’re going to have a not-family-friendly moment in this parking lot.”

Keith smirks, stepping back to create a small space between us but leaving his hands on my hips, and I leave mine wrapped around his neck. “I never thought I’d be doing this, but it feels right with you.”

I nod, feeling my heart swell in my chest. “It does feel right. This feels big, Keith.” The last part is almost a whisper, feeling like a confession as I wait with bated breath to see what he says.

“I know. I didn’t think things could happen like this, so fast and with a less than friendly start. But there’s something about you, about us . . .” He says as his eyes are searching mine.

“I feel like that too. Keith, I never thought it was real . . . but I really think I’m—”

“Not here,” Keith says, putting a finger to my lips. “I feel it too, but when we say it, I want to be able to take you, claim you and have you claim me back. And I can’t do that in this parking lot with my kid a few cars away.”

I nod, the warm assurance of Keith’s feelings sinking in. Suddenly, I pull him to me, kissing him hard, claiming his mouth in a turnaround that leaves him stunned for a moment before he kisses me back, cupping my ass with his hidden hand to give it a squeeze. I can feel him swell, and when I pull back, Keith’s breath is fast and deep, his eyes glowing with desire.

Keith nods, breathing deeply as he regains his control. “I need to go. Are you sure about taking Carsen shopping?”

I nod, smiling. “Absolutely. Girls’ shopping trip sounds like fun, and I want to get to know her.”

“You’re amazing,” Keith says before lifting my hand to his lips and kissing my fingertips sweetly. “Goodnight, Elise.”

“Goodnight,” I answer, watching him go as my fingertips tingle from his kiss. Despite the oversized polo, he is still an amazing figure as he walks away, his ass perfectly filling his jeans and flexing enough to give me good dreams tonight.

Very good dreams.

Chapter 20


So, what do you think?”

It’s only the third time Carsen’s asked me, and I’m happier than ever that she’s asking. It was a little awkward at first, despite the good dinner we all had yesterday. I can understand this isn’t about Keith and me. This is about how I fit with Carsen and Sarah . . . and that’s going to take a little longer to adjust to.

But Carsen has loved having our undivided attention, giving a fashion show-worthy walk and twirl with each dress she’s tried on. It’s helped us relax, the giggles taking us over more than once, and making the conversations with Sarah more comfortable as Carsen changes into another possible dress selection.

“I think it looks great, Carsen . . . but I’m not sure it’s my favorite,” I admit. “What about the black one?”

“No way, that looked so old lady,” Carsen replies, making me wince inside. I thought it looked beautiful and classic, but then again, to Carsen, twenty-one is middle aged. “What about the red one?”

“NO!” Sarah and I say simultaneously, making me grin. Sarah smirks too and explains. “Honey, I know you want to look grown up, but that’s just not something a twelve-year-old should be wearing. What about the blue one?”