Carsen is the first to break the silence. “Does this mean Elise has to go home now?”

My eyes snap to Elise as I answer Carsen, trying to decipher what she’s thinking as I jump in the deep end with no life vest. “No, it means she can go home now. But only if she wants. I’d rather she stay here with us. This can be her home now too. If that’s okay?”

My words hang in the air, the question a huge turning point in our family. Elise looks at Carsen, the hope obvious in her eyes. Carsen, in all her innocence, seems unaware of the weight of the situation and responds casually. “Cool! I want to finish a few more rows on my coaster tonight before dinner. Pretty sure I’ll need your help. And next, I want to try a blanket.”

And without a care in the world, she walks back outside and plops down on the lounger, returning to her knitting.

Elise and I let out long-held breaths, and she laughs softly. “Well, I guess that’s that. I’d love to stay.”

Sarah pats Elise on the shoulder, a twinkle in her eye as she whispers quietly. “Welcome to the family.” Sarah heads back into the kitchen to grab a platter of fried chicken and walks outside with it.

As soon as we’re alone, I scoop Elise into my arms, holding her tight as I push a strand of hair behind her ear. “I meant what I said. I want you to stay. Tonight, tomorrow, forever,” I tell her, looking into those eyes that I know I can’t live without. “I love you.”

She blushes, the pink lighting up her cheeks and making her look like a sweet angel. “I love you too. And I want to stay. I can’t imagine not being here now, with you and Carsen and Sarah. You’re . . . home.”

Her words hit my heart like sweet arrows, and I take her mouth in a soft kiss as I grab a handful of her firm ass in my hands. It’s just the right thing to do. Soft and hard, gentle and rough, all the things she makes me think and feel . . . each one of them is better than the last. And only Elise can draw them all out of me.

There’s a tap on the back door and we break apart to see Sarah smirking as she hooks a thumb behind her. “Dinner’s ready, lovebirds.”

Chapter 29


Hours later, dinner has been eaten, stories have been told, and laughs have surrounded us for hours. Finally, the tension and dread that have underlined the last couple of weeks has fallen away.

After we clean up, Sarah wipes her hand on the dish towel. “Well, fam, I’m off to soak in my bathtub before sleeping for at least twelve hours in my own bed. Now that we’re not on lockdown, I’m going to head home. Call me if you need anything.”

We say our goodbyes and Sarah leaves. Soon, Carsen crashes out too, falling asleep almost before her head hit the pillow. It’s a little slice of heaven when she asked if Keith and I both could tuck her in.

After closing her door, Keith pulls me close, kissing my forehead as the gravity of what our family could be sinks in. Detouring through the kitchen to snag two nightcap beers, we snuggle on the back porch, talking and looking at the stars.

“I’m going to grab another,” Keith says, sighing happily. “I think I’ve earned it today. Want one?”

“No, thanks. I think I’m going to change into my jammies. I’ll meet you back in five?”

Keith heads to the kitchen and I go to our bedroom. Wait . . . our bedroom. God, that feels good, and I’m going to love getting used to saying that. Quickly, I dig through the big drawer where I’d dumped the clothes Sarah had brought over for me, looking for PJs. I guess if this is our bedroom now, maybe I’ll have to claim more than one drawer in the dresser.

Shuffling things around, I see a flash of red lace. I fish around a bit, pulling out a lacy teddy I’d bought but never worn. Sarah brought just the thing.

Slipping my clothes off, I change into the teddy and check myself in the full-length mirror. Looking good, Elise. And now it’s time to be a little bad.

Sticking my head out the window, I see Keith below, his back to me as he watches the moon. “Keith, can you help me with something?”

I wait, standing tall and proud in the middle of the room as I hear him come inside, his bare feet still clumping on the carpet. Thank God he’s a country singer. He’d never make it as a ninja.

“What do you ne—” Keith asks as he steps inside, but his voice tapers off into a groan as he sees me. “Holy shit.”