"Yes. Mama."

"Yes. Mama." she mimicked. She stared at me so hard I had to lower my eyes. "When your father was alive, nothing was neglected long. I was hoping you would take after him more in that regard and I wouldn't have to be chasing after you to fix this, mend that, all the time. You should show some initiative. Noble. You spend too much time with the baby and not enough on the house and the property."

"But... even; time I suggested changing anything you got angry at me. Mama."

"Frn not talking about changes. I'm talking about maintenance!" she screamed. She took a deep breath. looked up for a moment, then looked at me. "I don't want to get myself upset these days. Noble. I want to look fresh and happy and as attractive as I can. I spend hours and hours explaining to my clients how stress can add years to their appearance. I certainly don't want to be a bad example. Who would believe me then?

"Beauty and strength come from in here." she said, slapping her left hand over her heart while she held on to Baby Celeste with her right arm. "All the herbal remedies in the world, all the creams and lotions, can't contradict that. Harmony, harmony is what we should strive to achieve. Do you


"Yes. Mama."

"Good. Now do what I asked.Ill be down in a little while and we'll beg-in an inspection and analysis of the house from top to bottom."

It was on the tip of my tongue to ask if this had anything to do with Dave. Fletcher, but I was afraid of what such a question would bring on Usually Mama saw my fears in my face and attacked them, but she either didn't see them or did and chose to ignore them this time.

She walked off with Baby Celeste and I began to put all the toys and books away. She returned with a pad and pen and immediately decided that we needed to replace the curtains and drapes in the living room. Years and years of sunlight had faded them. Why it had taken her so long to notice and suddenly care was beyond me, but she dropped a heavy hint as we walked through the room, focusing closely on everything in it.

"I saw what nice things Dave has done in that old house sincehes been there. He has good taste. You would never think a man forced to live like a bachelor with a daughter who couldn't care less about their home would have such a good eye for domestic beauty, but he does. He even understands balance. Oh, not as deeply as energy balance, but neverthele

ss, maybe out of some natural instincts, he has achieved quite a bit of that.

"Anyway, it made me think twice about our home. Noble, and how we've neglected it these dozen or so years. I know you've been good about basic repairs here and there on the outside," she said, contradicting what she had accused me of before." but the inside of a house is like the inside of a person. It has to be healthy and strong, too.

"Besides, when Dave comes here, I don't want him thinking we're living like people lost in their past. People often judge each other by their possessions. I know it's like judging a book by its cover, but nevertheless, it's how most people think and we can't ignore

"Mr. Fletcher is coming here? I asked as softly as I could. I didn't want it to sound like another challenge or disapproval.

"Of course he's coming here. Why shouldn't he come here? I didn't raise you to be afraid of meeting people. Noble."

When is he coming?"

"When I'm ready for him."

I thought I heard the sound of a laugh.

I spun around and heard the raindrops tapping against the windowpanes like fingers with long nails. This is so wrong. I thought. Mama is making a big mistake turning down this path. How could I make her see without raising her ire? I would have to tell her everything perhaps, especially about the vision I had had earlier and the threats that had followed.

Experience had taught me not to blurt out anything like that. however. I had to be careful, so very careful.

"You know it really is foolish of us not to have a microwave oven," she said suddenly. It makes us look so backward and out of touch. There are other things I'd like to do in the kitchen. If s not that we don't have the money for these things. We do. I've just been distracted by other things, but some additions and small changes have to be made. Noble. We have to prepare for the future."

"What future?"

"What future? Our future, but most important. Baby Celeste's future. You can see yourself what she is, what she can do and will do. Nothing must stand in her way, especially some stupid prejudices. I want her to have all the opportunities to develop fully. Just like you've had," she added, stinging me with her gaze. "opportunities I don't think you've taken advantage of or fully appreciate yet."

"I do, Mama."

"We'll see. Time will tell. All right. Let's move on to the den. I'm thinking about recovering that floor, and it needs new lamps and I want to touch up the woodwork. You'll do that. Well try to do as much as we can ourselves so we don't have people marching in and out of here all day. Tomorrow. I'd like you to start stripping off the paint around the window frames. Were going to repaint them all, freshen up the outside appearance of the house as well.

"I want anyone to look at our home and see the beauty that's in it and think. This could easily be my home. too.' Understand?"

I couldn't speak.

I couldn't swallow.

Who was anyone? Where was she taking us?