"That good, huh?"

"What's in it?"

"Oh, a little of this, a little of that, and some vodka," he replied,

"Vodka?" I shook my head and started to hand it back to him.

"Oh, go on," he urged. "It won't hurt you. It'll help you relax, chill out." he promised and sat beside me. "What a sound, huh?" he said, nodding at the audio system.

"Have you ever been to a concert?" I asked him.

"Oh sure. lots. My parents have these subscriptions and I go with them from time to time."

"What have you heard?"

"Oh, just about everything. You name it. Drink your drink," he urged. "It grows on you. You'll see."

He practically lifted my glass to my lips for me.

I took another sip. He sat back and closed his eyes.

"What a sound. huh? I could sit here all night and just listen. I hardly watch any television anymore. I'm becoming a real fan of good music, the kind of music you play. I'm sure," he said. "Maybe I should come to your Performance Night. too."

"No," I said quickly. You can't. We're just permitted two guests each."

"I'll sneak in," he threatened.

"No, don't."

He laughed,

"You know you're about the cutest girl I've ever met. There's something very fresh and honest about you. Where did you say you came from again?"

"I'm from Ohio."

"What do your parents do?"

"They own a corn farm."

How did he forget what I had told him before? Wasn't he listening to me? He certainly made it seem as if he had been hanging on my every word, every syllable!

"Farmer's daughter, of course!" he cried. He tapped his glass to mine. "Here's to the corn on the cob." He started to drink, and then paused when I didn't lift my glass. "Don't you want to drink to that?" I took another sip.

"You've got some great girlfriends there. Honey. I bet you all have some good times when you party. huh? Especially that Ice. She looks like she could be the life of a party. I know how those quiet ones can be."

"She's not that way and we don't party," I said. He smiled skeptically.

"We don't," I insisted. "We barely have any time off. This Sunday afternoon is the first since we all started because part of our curriculum is attending shows, concerts, lectures on the weekends," I explained. "I thought you said you knew all about that."

"I did. but I didn't really believe it. That is dedication. Which means," he decided. "that you've earned a good time then. Drink up," he urged and tapped my glass again. Hesitantly, I took another sip. "Amazing how it grows on you, huh? I like a drink that comes through the back door, tiptoeing up your spine," he said, trying to make his voice mysterious and running his fingers up my back as if they were the legs of some spider. I jumped, and he laughed. It was a strange laugh. Something about it made me very anxious.

"You're ticklish, huh? That's good. Ticklish girls are a lot more sensuous. I read that. And," he said winking. "I can tell you it's true.'

He was acting now like the Don Juan he claimed he wasn't. What happened to all that innocence, that love pain?

He started to move closer.

"I think I better let going," I said.