"Famous last words." Cinnamon said.

"Those aren't last words," I asserted. I looked at each of them. "They're not!"

"Okay, okay. Don't get your strings in an uproar. Besides, we're being a bit optimistic here. We can't all ask to go to the bathroom and sneak away, and you can't do it again. Rose." Cinnamon warned. "I'm sure she's reporting you to Madame Senetsky as it is.

"Although,' Cinnamon added with a small smile. "I think you pulled it off. I must admit. I was quite impressed with the performance."

"All the world's a stage for us now," Ice declared with exaggerated emphasis. "Remember?" Everyone laughed.

Then we heard a ding. I think our collective hearts went on pause.

"What was that?" Ice asked in a deep whisper. We were all quiet for a moment, listening keenly.

"Did the noise come from the fire escape?" I asked, my heart pounding so hard I could barely hear myself speak.

Cinnamon started to turn to the window to see when Rose jumped up.

"Oh," she cried. "It's my computer! I forgot I left it on. It means Evan has sent me something."

She sat at her desk and we all gathered around her as she brought up the E-mail.

Dear Rose,

I have retrieved what you wanted to know, I think. It is too weird to send over a computer or talk about on the phone. It would take a long explanation, also.

I've decided to leave the house and make the trip we talked about me eventually making. I'll just make it sooner than I had expected. It's too quiet around here to suit me these days, anyway. You can blame yourself for that. You know, how you gonna keep them down on the farm In other words, I'm coming to New York. Aunt Charlotte is not happy about it, of course, butI'm-working on the

arrangements. I'll let you blow when. And don't worry about me. I can do it. Actually, this is the most exciting thing I've ever done, and don't forget, you were always lecturing me on my not getting out enough


Of course, going to New York City is a bit like jumping from a bathtub into a pool or even ocean, but what's the good of it not a challenge? Right?

As to your inquiries and some of the things happening at your school that you've described to me... for now,I'll just use our. favorite line: "Something's rotten in the state of Denmark."

I'm sure you know what I mean

Love Evan

"What does that mean?" I asked.

"It's from Hamlet," Cinnamon said. "It just means that there's something very wrong, something deeply troubling, some stream of horror running under the surface,"

Rose nodded.


"Well, why didn't he just tell you?" I asked. frustrated.

"You can see he wants to come here to see Rose very much. He's using it as a reason," Cinnamon said. "I don't think any of us can blame him, from what you told me about his life with his aunt. Rose."

"No. I hope he'll be all right though. It's not like taking a trip down to the market or mall.'

"It sounds to me like he's very smart and knows what he's doing," Cinnamon said. "It also sounds like he has something that will knock our socks off."

We all stared at the screen and then looked at each other, thinking the same thing.

None of us would get a good night's sleep tonight. Maybe not tomorrow night either.