gravestone again?

The girls and Howard were standing in the

hallway, waiting for me. From the sounds I heard

coming out of Steven's room. I knew he was


"The idiot is paying the price for drinking

instead of tasting the wines," Howard commented

after a particularly loud, ugly noise. "What did she

want from you?"

I looked at the girls and then just hurried into

my room before I burst into hysterical sobs. I felt like

I was going to vomit any moment, too, and had to get

some cold water on my face. All the girls followed


"Are you all right?" Rose asked, coming to my

side. I shook my head.

"She was so angry I thought she was going to

ask me to leave right then and there. I had this

buttoned wrong." I said, turning to show them. "And

my lipstick was smeared. She wiped it off herself,

practically taking some of my skin and part of my lip

with it."

"I tried to warn you," Cinnamon said. "She called me disheveled, a great

disappointment. She said I was the last one she

expected to disappoint her."

I looked in the mirror. My hair was every which

way. "I'm sorry. I tried to get it neat for you," Ice said. "It's no one's fault but my own," I wailed. "I

feel sick to my stomach."

"That dinner was too rich," Cinnamon said.

"We had too much to taste."