"Don't be an idiot. You better not fool around

with Bergman or you'll be out on your Mozart ear."

Howard warned him.

Steven shrugged,

"Daddy will find me somewhere else before I'm

in the taxi cab," he replied.

I could see how his nonchalance infuriated

Howard Rockwell.

He pounded up the stairway ahead of us. At the

top he turned, a wry smile on his face.

"Anyone notice how much flirting Edmond

Senetsky did with Rose here?"

"Stuff it. Howard," Cinnamon snapped. He laughed.

"Good night, girls. I'm getting some rest for the

big first day." He walked off.

Steven looked after him and then shrugged. "I've got some calls to make. See you in the

morning," he said. "Remember, don't disappoint!" he

warned with a silly smile and followed Howard. Rose looked upset.

"Don't let Howard get to you," Cinnamon told

her. "Was he right?"

"No," I said quickly.

Once again, they followed me into my room. "Close the door." Cinnamon told Ice, and she

did so.

Cinnamon then sat on the floor in front of my

bed and leaned against it.

"I thought Mr. Marlowe was very goodlooking. but Mr. Bergman looked like he was

suffering from hemorrhoids,'" she added, and

everyone laughed. "Sorry for you and Steven. Honey,

He looks tough."

I sat beside her and sprawled. Rose followed,