Steven grimaced and folded his hands under his


"I don't know why all this is so important. It has

nothing to do with the way I play piano," he


"If that's all you want, get a job in some smoke

filled dive," Howard told him.

Steven glared at him. What a time to begin

bickering amongst ourselves, I thought, with our

teachers about to meet us. Why was it my

expectations rose and fell with roller coaster

emotions? One moment I was feeling optimistic about

us all enjoying this experience, and the next I was

dreading another moment in this house. I gazed about

the table, searching everyone's face to see if anyone

else seemed to have similar feelings. They all looked

lost in their own thoughts.

A grandfather clock ticked the hour.

And, on cue, our teachers began to enter the

room. With Howard practically leaping to his feet

first, we all stood.

A short, bald man with dull brown watery eyes and a complexion as pale as tissue paper took the seat directly across from me. He didn't smile so much as he turned his lips into each other and pulled back the corners of his mouth. He was plump, a little barrelchested, with a necklace of fat hanging at the sides of his throat. His ears were far too large for his head. They looked tacked on at the last minute, mistakenly

taken from someone else's assigned features. Right behind him came a far younger-looking,

tall, slender man with hair as black as Ice's, styled

with a soft wave from his forehead back. He had

bright hazel eyes with specks of green and a thin,

straight nose above very soft-looking lips. Unlike the

bald man, he wore a pleasant smile. He nodded at us

and gave Rose, in particular, an additional and wider
