"Twenty minutes! That woman is like a pail of ice water," I moaned.

Her warning did have the effect of cooling down our excitement. From the way we were all seated in the parlor and the looks of disappointment on our faces, anyone would think they had walked in on a funeral.

Steven joined us a moment later, bopping in like his legs consisted of springs.

"What a night, huh?" he cried. I bribed a waiter to give me an extra glass of champagne." He heard no response and looked at each of us. "What happened? Someone's pet rock die?"

"Nothing happened, Steven, except ten minutes ago. Ms. Fairchild made sure to tell us we had less than twenty minutes to spend with each other. Chandler came all the way from Boston!" I cried.

"We don't get to see each other very much even though Barry's here in New York, Our relentless schedule makes it very difficult." Rose added. "You'd think we'd get a little more consideration. I hate these curfews and restrictions. Other people our age don't have them."

"The price of fame!" Steven joked. No one laughed. He gazed at us all for a moment and then, after looking behind him to be sure he wouldn't be overheard, stepped farther into the room and closer to us all. "How about me showing Laurel and Hardy here how to get back into the building after Dracula's daughter bolts the entrance?"

"What?" Chandler asked. "What are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about sneaking you guys back in and upstairs. It's easy. You just go around the side of the building and climb the fire escape to their windows," he said. "They're on the same side and have the same landing."

Rose looked at me and I felt my body freeze. "How do you know about that?" she asked him. Steven shrugged,

"I just happened to look out and notice, and then. when I was walking about the grounds. I saw how to do it." He turned to Chandler and Barry. "You'll have to pull yourselves up a bit on the ladder. I don't imagine it will be too clean, so you might spoil your nice clothes, but," he said glancing from Rose to me and then back to Rose. "it might be worth it."

Chandler looked at me to see what I thought of the idea. I couldn't help but be afraid.

"If they get caught." Rose said. "we could be thrown out tomorrow."

"So don't let them get caught. Jeez," Steven said. "Isn't there any adventure in your guys?" We were all silent.

"Or any male hormones?" he added, followed by his thin, silly laugh as he sauntered out of the parlor.

"What do you think?" Chandler asked Barry. I'm game for it if you are. Girls?"

Rose widened her eyes and turned to me. I looked at Chandler, who was staring at my hand, just realizing I wasn't wearing his ring.

"What happened to it?" he asked, nodding at my fingers,

"What?" Rose asked.

I bit down on my lip.

We could hear Ms. Fairchild's voice in the hallway.

"Do it," I blurted rather than answer his question.

"All right," Barry said smiling.

Rose looked terrified and surprised at me. When Ms. Fairchild made her presence nearby obvious. I suggested the boys leave.

"There's only a few minutes left anyway," I said. "Our windows will be open halfway. Steven's right. We're on the same landing, so it's easy."

Chandler smiled.

"I'll be like Romeo, climbing the balcony," he said.

"It's just about as dangerous for everyone," Rose muttered and we stood up to walk with them to the front door. Ms. Fairchild followed us with her gaze and was standing behind us when we all said our good nights.

"You did very well, girls," she told us. "Very well. Now get what I'm sure is a much-needed night's rest."

She pivoted and marched away, her heels ticking over the tiles until she disappeared around the corner. Rose looked at me. She smiled with