forgive him and sympathize. It will make you feel

better, believe me," Daddy said.

I nodded, my eyes filling as I realized, perhaps

for the first time. How wise and kind he really was. "I will. Daddy." I promised. "I will."

"I know you will. Honey. The one thing

Grandad's failed to realize is you are his salvation.

You are his redemption. You're the promise every

rainbow leaves behind for us."

He embraced me and we walked like that until

we saw the patch of forest ahead of us.

"I don't see him there," Daddy said, shading his

eyes with his right hand.

I didn't either.

"Maybe he went home a different way, or

maybe he went somewhere else."

"Maybe," he said, but his eyes continued to be

narrow and suspicious as we continued toward the


We were only about a hundred yards from it

when Daddy stopped and seized my hand.

"What?" I asked and gazed ahead. Slowly. I

could discern Grandad sprawled on his back. "I see him. He's asleep. Let's not frighten him."

Daddy said. We walked slowly, quietly.

"Dad." my daddy called softly. He raised his

voice and called again,

Grandad Forman did not respond. I could see

he had his Bible on his chest and both his hands over



Daddy hurried into the patch of woods. I