on him that would chance him. He was her favorite.

but Daddy didn't mind that. In a way, they were both

protecting Peter."

"Poor Uncle Simon. though. Why was he

tortured for his father's sins, left in the dark alone?" Mommy smiled.

"I've always felt he was better off living

without the knowledge and being estranged from your

grandfather. In his way, I think Simon has found some

contentment," she added, looking at the broken


"And now Grandad has even destroyed that." I

said mournfully.

"It will be repaired, and if I know Simon, it will

be better and bigger. Daddy is definitely going ahead

with that greenhouse idea. too."


"I better get inside and help with Simon. I'm

sorry all this came out this way. Honey. but I never

doubted that some day it would. It festered on your

grandfather's soul and leaked poison into his heart for

a long time. Maybe he can find some peace now as


I nodded.

"Don't ever think something is wrong with you

or you have a strain of evil in you because of him. His

sins live and die with him," Mommy assured me. She kissed me, squeezed me to her, and then

walked toward the house.

I turned to what looked like a battlefield and

began to repair what little could be restored. Maybe it was the effect of being in Uncle

Peter's room. Uncle Simon had loved him so much.