I closed my eyes. I felt the warm breeze and

smelled the fresh water and the scent of wildflowers. I

breathed deeply, filling myself with such happiness

and pleasure as his lips lingered on mine, and then I

opened my eyes and gasped.

Grandad was standing over us, gazing down,

his eyes blazing, a machete in his hand.

For a second Chandler didn't realize Grandad

was there and looked confused by my expression.

Then he turned on his back, looked up at Grandad,

and practically leaped to his feet in a single move. "Sinners," Grandad accused, waving the

machete at Chandler. "And on my land. You'll turn it

into Sodom and Gomorrah, just as I was told you

would," he fired at me. His eves widened. "The

prophecies, the prophecies!"

"We didn't do anything wrong. Mr. Forman,"

Chandler began to protest. "We were just..." "Fornicator. Get thee. away, Satan," Grandad

ordered, raising the machete again. Chandler's eves nearly popped. He backed up, looking confused and frightened. I got to my feet and scooped up our shoes and socks. I took his arm and marched him off the


"Don't look back at him. Just keep walking," I


"He's crazy. Wow! He was going to kill me. I

think. Would he swing that at me. really? Is he

coming after us?"

"Just keep walking," I muttered, the tears

choking my throat. Grandad was shouting biblical

phrases at us.

"I'm sorry, Chandler. I didn't think he would

come sneaking around after us. I thought they were

working on the grain combine."