need to believe in magic and wonder and have pure,

innocent hope. Otherwise, the world out there is a

very dark, disappointing place and frankly, it's the

only world we have."

"I believe in the magic. Mommy, but it's magic we make for ourselves. Those who trust and have too

much faith suffer the most," I said.

What she didn't know was that I was talking

about Daddy and how much faith and trust she had in

him. How would she react when she found out about

him? Would she crumble and end up back in here? I

would hate him forever, I thought.

"You're right. Cinnamon. I just want you to find

a good balance."

"I will," I promised.

She wanted me to read from the play script and

talk about the part. She was determined to get better

quickly now and be there to help me give the best

possible performance.

"When are you coming home. Mommy? Has

the doctor told you?"

"He wants me to stay a few more days, to grow

stronger and to be sure I am all right," she said.

"Daddy thinks that's best. too."


"Yes. He seems so troubled these days, so

distant. I feel sorry for him, sorry for what all this has

done, to him." she said.

"Don't you feel that way. Mommy," I charged. I

was a bit too adamant.

"Why not?"