Page 46 of Cat (Wildflowers 4)

"My mother's eyebrows rose but fortunately, she was staring at him and not me.

"'Is that so, Howard?' she said. 'You mean you're finally going to take some real responsibility for her?'

"'I know I've been busy and left a good deal of this to you, Geraldine. I've been remiss on that score, but I'll do my part now that Cathy is getting of age.'

"'Of age for what?' my mother pounced.

" `Oh, meeting people, getting out more, learning the ways of the world,' he said calmly.

"'She's better off not knowing the ways of this world,' my mother insisted.

"They talked about it a little more. My father volunteered to drive me to the school and pick me up after the dance. Finally, she reluctantly agreed even though she thought I was still too young for such a thing"

"And did she agree to permit you to wear lipstick?" Jade asked with a coy smile.

"A little," I said. "Although, she kept the tube in her room after we bought it."

"Where? In the safe?" Jade asked.

"Practically," I said, smiling. "The hardest thing was finding a dress she liked. We went to so many department stores, but nothing was right. Finally, she found this small store out in the valley. I think it was more like a costume shop. The hem was low enough to satisfy her. It reached a little below my ankles, and the collar went halfway up my neck. It looked like something from the 1800's. It was too big, too, but she thought that was fine. She found shoes that matched and I had what she considered my new party outfit.

"But when I looked at myself in it, I nearly burst into tears. I was sure I would be ridiculed. It had puffy sleeves, lots of lace, and big black buttons on this emerald green heavy cotton material. She had me put it on and model it for my father, who sat there with his eyebrows hoisted.

"'Looks like she's in a play or something,' he said. 'It's practically a costume. Is that the sort of party dress a girl would wear today?'

"'It's perfect,' my mother insisted.

"'I feel stupid in it,' I declared, encouraged by my father's reaction. 'When I walk, I can hear the material swishing around me. It's too loose and I'll choke to death in this collar if I try to eat anything,' I wailed.

"'It's perfect,' my mother repeated. 'Proper and perfect.'

"'No boy is going to want to dance with me wearing this,' I complained

"'Is that what you're worried about? How many boys will dance with you?' my mother asked.

"'No, not how many,' I moaned. 'Any.'

"I was nearly in tears about it. I wanted to go to the dance very much. I saw it as my chance to make new friends and maybe to have a social life, too, but I was terrified that wearing that dress would make me look like a buffoon.

"'Why can't I get something more in style?' I cried.

"'The styles today are downright pornographic,' my mother said. 'You saw that from the little we viewed in the department stores. And besides, you read the dance announcement and rules. Most of the things on sale in the stores wouldn't be permitted anyway. Be happy you have something decent,' she insisted and left it at that.

"I went upstairs to sulk about it, and later, my father came to my room. He asked me to put on the dress again and I did. Then he stood back, studied it for a moment and stepped forward to unbutton the collar almost down to my cleavage.

"'That looks better,' he said, 'but don't do it until after you get to the school. You're becoming a very pretty young lady, Cathy, do you know that?' he asked and I felt myself blush all over.

"'No, I'm not,' I said. 'I'm too big and I don't have any nice features.'

"'Sure you do,' he said. 'I'm just sorry I haven't had more talks with you about what you should expect now that you are mixing with boys. I'm glad the dance is still a week away. There's a lot I want to tell you, show you, explain to you. Most parents throw their children out to the wolves, especially their daughters, and then wonder why they get themselves into trouble. Your mother thinks the answer is to keep you here under lock and key, but I know the answer is to make you smart and aware so nothing comes as a surprise.

"'Doesn't that make more sense to you?' he asked me and I nodded because it did sound right.

"'Tomorrow is a holiday and the market's closed, too. I'll spend some time with you in the afternoon when your mother goes food shopping, okay? I'll help you prepare for the birds and the bees.'

"I had no idea what he meant, but I nodded. He stood there staring at me for a long moment and then he smiled, came forward and kissed me on the cheek.

"'Don't you smell good,' he said. 'What is that, the bath oil I bought you?'