"Of course. I can't park the thing by my house.

We've got to go. You told me last night to make the

arrangements as soon as possible. I did exactly what

you told me to do."

"But... what about my things?"

"You didn't pack a lot I hope?"

I looked down.

"You didn't pack at all, did you?" he asked, his

voice dripping with disappointment.

I shook my head. "Why not?"

"I don't know. I started to and then I was

worried someone would see what I had done. I didn't

think we were really going to go this soon."

"You called me. You led me to believe you had

decided. You--"

"I know. I know. Don't keep telling me that." I thought a moment.

He watched me, his face full of anticipation. He

didn't even look as if he was breathing.

"All right." I said. "I know what I want to take.

It won't take me fifteen minutes to put it all in a


"Do you have something like a duffel bag,

something soft so we can tie it to the moped?" "No. At least. I don't think I do."

"Then fill up a pillowcase. That's what I did.

And tie it and that'll do just fine."

"My dresses, shoes, blouses, and skirts, in a


'Hannah, we don't need all that much to start.

We'll get things as we go along. This isn't one of your

ritzy vacations. We're going to be on the road,