You art," I said, and we kissed before starting out of the house.

It was dark now, but the sky was clear, and there was a quarter moon full of promise.

I got into the car.

"Wait," Heyden said and ran back to the house. When he emerged, he had his guitar with him.

"Might as well rehearse anyway. Maybe we'll hit the lottery or something. I'll leave my mother something, and we'll be on our way."

He strummed his guitar and played a few chords of This Land is your land, this land is my land

'Where is your mother?" I asked him. "Just finishing work. She'll be home soon,"

"Shouldn't you let her know where you are?" I asked before starting the car. "I mean, with all that's happened to your sister''"

He shook his head. "I stopped doing that long ago. Hannah, and she stopped asking about the same time. The truth is," he said. "I've left home already. The only thing is I'm the only one who knows it."

I nodded with understanding.

"I think I have as well," I said, put the car in drive, and pulled away with Heyden strumming, trying to create something that sounded hopeful.


Leaving in a Motor Home


Mrs. Robinson was very surprised to see us at

the front door of the residency.

"Oh, dear." she said. "I was so sorry to hear the

terrible news. You all must be so devastated." "Yes, we are. Mrs Robinson. Thank you. How

is my uncle since my mother's visit?"

"He took it all very badly, I'm afraid, but two

more visitors the same day will please him. I'm sure,"

she said, opening the screen door for us and stepping


"What do you mean, he took it all badly?

What's happened to him?"

"Well, he didn't have any appetite at dinner

tonight, but I think he will be fine," she said. "It's so

muggy tonight: it's hard for anyone to be enthusiastic

about anything, even if they didn't have a family

tragedy. Naturally, he's a little depressed. However."