"It just frightened me a little. I'm sure he's all right." she added.

I wasn't and I was now more anxious than ever that Miguel would arrive on time. It had been wrong to take Uncle Linden away. It was unfair to him. unfair to expect that Heyden and I could just drag him out to the world without all his support facilities and expect him to adjust and be successful. Mommy was right. She was always right.

I remained as close to Uncle Linden as I could right up until Mrs. Stanton began to set the table for dinner. He went in and out of dozing, and for a few moments every time he opened his eyes. he looked confused. When he saw me, he calmed down and closed his eyes again.

"You don't have to help me." she said. "Stay with him. I can see it makes you nervous. darlin'."

I saw she was setting the table for four, but it wasn't because she anticipated Bess coming down to dinner. She went out to find Chubs and ask him to join us. I knew it made her feel better to have him nearby, and I didn't blame her for that. I felt better, too.

Although my nerves made me feel there were a dozen grasshoppers in my stomach. I ate Mrs. Stanton's delicious dinner. Uncle Linden returned to his charming self, complimenting her on everything and making it seem as if I were the one who had experienced the dark dreams and not him. He and Chubs even had a conversation about growing peaches.

About an hour after we had finished dinner. Miguel called and I was able to put Chubs on the phone with him so he could give him very specific directions to the farm,

"He should be here within the hour.' Chubs told me. Uncle Linden had gone out to sit on the portico.

"Who are we waiting far again?" he asked when I went out to join him.

"Miguel. Mommy's husband."

"Oh. yes. I like him. He's a college teacher. right?"

"Yes, he is." I said. What was it that caused him to move in and out of memories, falling back into the past and then returning like someone who had gone under water and had fought his way back up to breathe again? There was still so much I didn't know about our family's past, but after being here nearly a day and seeing what pain and tragedy could cause. I wondered if I really wanted to know. Maybe like Uncle Linden. I was better off with some selective amnesia.

I was never so happy to see anyone as I was to see Miguel when he drove up to the Stanton farm with Ricardo. He had never hesitated to hold me and kiss me when I was a little girl, but as I grew older. I felt his restraint. Right now all I wanted to do was crash through it and have him embrace me. He did so willingly.

"Are you all right?" he asked. "Yes."

"Hello, Linden." he said, extending his hand to him. "How are you doing?"

"I'm fine. Miguel." He squinted at the rented car. "I was hoping to see Willow with you."

"Oh, she's anxious to see you, too, but she wasn't up to this sort of trip. I'm sure you understand." he told him.

"Of course," Uncle Linden said,

Mrs. Stanton came out. and I introduced her to Miguel. Ricardo joined with Chubs and went to the motor home.

"Thank you far offering your hospitality and home to my daughter," Miguel said. Long ago he had dropped the word step from (laughter. and I couldn't have been more happy about it than I was at the moment.

"She's a delightful young lady. I'm sure everything will be fine."

"I am. too," Miguel said. He turned to Uncle Linden. "Shall we start back. Linden?"

"What's that? Oh. yes. I suppose we should." He rose. but then hesitated and looked at the front door and Mrs. Stanton. "I'd like to say goodbye to Bess," he said.

Mrs. Stanton looked at me with surprise and concern. I wasn't expecting him to make that request, either,

"I'll come along," I said. She nodded and led him and me back into the house and up the stairs. She paused at the open bedroom door and stepped back to permit Uncle Linden to enter. He approached Bess slowly.

"I have to go now, Bess." he said. She was staring ahead, but turned to look up at him. I remained back in the doorway, out of sight.

"I hope you'll be feeling better soon. I wanted to thank you for being my model. I promise I'll finish the picture and get it to you soon."

She stared at him, her face unmoving.

"Maybe some day I'll return as well and we'll take that walk. okay?"

She nodded. I felt such a weight in my chest. They were looking at each other over chasms of emotional turmoil. Something desperate in them both was trying to touch, but there were so many obstacles in the way. How sad and unfair, I thought. Uncle Linden knelt down and kissed her quickly on the cheek. Then he turned from her and started for the doorway.