remembrances of things past, no mementoes from

parties and dances, even my own Sweet Sixteen party.

It all belonged here, left in my past. Heyden and I

were really starting a new life, and so was Uncle


With that sort of censorship in mind, it

suddenly became easier to pack the pillowcase. I

wouldn't even take my toothbrush. We would do as

Heyden had said: buy what we needed as we went


When I was finished. I realized no one could

look at this room and know I had left it No one would

suspect I was really gone, not for a while, but despite

my anger and my new hope. I couldn't just walk out

and close the door. That was too cruel.

I sat at my desk and debated with myself.

Heyden had made it very clear that I tell no one I was

leaving, not even give a hint. Yet I couldn't just walk

out and let Mommy wait up for me, even though I had

real doubts that she would. She would leave it up to

Miguel. perhaps.

Maybe not. Maybe I was being too hard on her.

No. I had to leave her something. I pulled my

stationery out and stared at a blank page.

Dear Mommy and Miguel, I wrote. That was

the easy part.

I know that in the beginning you will be very

angry at me, maybe even angrier than you are at me

now. In time I hope you will understand why I am

doing this.