off. I promised again that I would really think about it. "You know what it's like to do that. Hannah?

All this thinking and thinking? You ever stand on a

diving board when you were younger?"


"Remember how the longer you looked down,

the less courage you had? You had to concentrate on

the technique, the process, and then just do it,

otherwise, you would eventually retreat and you would never know what it could have been like. That's us. Think about it, but don't think about it to

o much, and whatever you do, don't look down." he advised, turned, and strode toward the front door of his dark


I drove home in such a daze, I didn't even

remember the turns I had made,


"Where were you?" Mommy screamed down at

me. She was at the top of the stairway, apparently

alerted to my return the moment I opened the front

door. She took a step down. "Well? Go on, tell me."

she ordered.

"I had to go for a ride." I said.

"Where did you go. Hannah?"

"I went to see Heyden."

She took another step down. I looked behind

her and down the hallway. Where was Miguel? "And then where did you go?" she followed. It

was obvious from the way she looked at me and the

tone in her voice that she already knew the answer, "I went to see Uncle Linden. I was worried

about him after what you told me."

"Even though I forbade you to do it, you went

ahead and did it, is that it?"

"I did what I thought was right. Mommy." "You are not to use my car again. Ever!" she

screamed. "Now go to your room and don't you dare