"Well, you didn't sound absolutely definite about it. and I forgot and agreed to go on a date with a boy at my school. We're going to dinner and a movie."

"Really? Well, I don't blame you for choosing that over dinner with your old man." he said. "We'll get together next week some time. maybe."


"Sure. No problem," he said.

I was waiting for him to ask me about Heyden, but he didn't ask a thing.

How different he was from Mommy when it came to me and my life, I thought. Did I like this better? I hated the way Mommy had begun to ask her questions, and yet I resented Daddy not taking an iota of interest or concern. For all he knew. I was going out with a serial killer.

"I'm sorry about it," I repeated.

"Nothing to be sorry about. Hannah. I'll call you. Have a good time." he added,

"Thank you," I said.

He hung up and the line went dead. I held the receiver as if it hadn't and imagined another conversation.

"Who's the boy? What's he like? Does your mother approve?Don't stay out too late. Be careful, Hannah. Don't give your heart away easily or cheaply. Let me tell you aboutmen. I know. I'm an expert when it comes to being a cad. Matter of fact, I'd like to see you tomorrow before you go out. We should talk. I'll take you for coffee and we'll sit on the patio. I'm sorry I haven't done this before. You've grown up so fast and right before my eyes. How beautiful you have become. I have a responsibility to fulfill. After all, I am your father,"

Where were these words? Were they lying dormant in his mind? Had he ever thought of saying them to me?

I hung up my phone and for a while just stood by my window, staring out at the sea and wondering if my grandmother Grace's fears weren't well founded.

Maybe there was a curse, a dark cloud just waiting to rain its misery down upon me. too.

Maybe it already had and I just didn't know it yet.


A Kiss of Love and Hope


I was disappointed Heyden didn't seek me out

first thing in the morning at school the next day. We didn't share a class until third period, but I had hoped-- even expected-- that he would be there to greet me. I looked for him in the usual places. but I didn't see him anywhere, and I was so distracted because of it, I didn't hear my English teacher. Mr. Mullens, call my name to answer a question about the play we were reading. I wasn't even aware that the whole class had turned to look at me.

"Well," Mr. Mullens said, moving down the row to my desk. "I've hypnotized another student, it seems."

The class laughter brought me back to earth. "Are you all right. Miss Eaton?"

"What? Yes." I said. "Why?"

"Oh, nothing. I was just wondering since I asked you a question twenty minutes ago and you continued to stare out the window as if neither I nor the rest of these students existed. In love, are you?" he continued,

"No!" I said sharply, tears piling under my lids. I blinked them back.

"Pity. I was hoping that was it rather than me or the material," he added, scowled at me, and turned away.

Massy Hewlett was practically bursting apart with glee.

"Now that you are back with the living, can you tell us why you think I ago is doing what he is doing to Othello?" Mr. Mullens asked me.

I threw my own eyeballs of tire at Massy and then reread my homework,

"I know there are a few possible reasons," I began. "He says Othello might have slept with his wife, but I don't think he really believes that. It's just an excuse."