"We never should have left it and rented it to

those people," he said.

"Well, we won't have to rent it again. ever."

"Good," he said, and looked at the table.

"Linden, didn't you take your pill this

morning?" Mother asked him.

"Pill? No What pill?"

"Oh dear," she said, and went to get his

medication. He watched her go.

"And then," he began where I had interrupted

him. "I will keep my supplies in the closet on the

right. I want to stock up so I don't have to depend on

anyone. There's plenty of room. The stock closet has a

great set of shelves, you know. I remember that. I

remember the three light fixtures, brass, and there was

a place for a safe. I think. Maybe it was just a mistake

and they said it was a place for a mistake. Jackie Lee

thought that. too. She always wanted me to call her

Jackie Lee. Did you know that? Yes, Jackie Lee, Call

me Jackie Lee. Don't call me Grandma or Ma or any

other name like that. Let's just use our names. okay?

You're Linden. I'm Jackie Lee. Okay, all right. Even if

you have a bad dream, don't scream. 'Grandma.' Don't

scream. 'Ma.' Don't scream anything, but if you have

to scream, scream for Jackie Lee. Jackie Lee..." His voice trailed off as Mother returned, and he

sat back. After a moment he looked up at t

he two of

us and smiled.

"I think I'll take a short rest before going out to work. I got up too early this morning. I've been up for

hours and hours, haven't I. Mother?"