"Here, let me help you with some of that," he said, and began taking books off my pile before I could object. He looked at some of them.

"Ambitious," he declared, nodding. "Anyone else would be quite content with what is required. But this is a very good quality to have. Despite what everyone thinks." he added in a loud whisper, "the true student teaches himself."

He laughed.

"Don't let my colleagues know I said such a blasphemous thing."

"My father loved to say you can lead a horse--"

"--to water, but you can't teach it to drink," he recited with me. We both laughed,

"Are you getting anything else? There are still a few thousand left to choose," he said, waving at the stacks.

"No. I believe I have what I need."

He stood by and watched me open my purse to get out my credit card while the cashier began to total my purchases.

"So," he said after I handed her the card. "how are you enjoying living here so far?"

"Except for the traffic and what I call Florida lights. fine." I said.

'Florida lights?"

"Those four-way traffic lights. If you miss the green, you're there long enough to read a chapter in one of these texts," I told him, and he laughed harder.

"But don't you have the same sort of traffic lights back in South Carolina?"

"Yes, but somehow not on every single intersection," I told him, and signed my credit card slip. As I reached for the bags, he seized one quickly.

"Let me help you to your car." he offered,

"Thank you. This really is personal service," I said. I thought he blushed a little, but he followed me out.

"Thank you," I said when he and I had put everything into the car.

'Delighted. You're welcome." he said.

He stood staring at me, looking like he was thinking very hard about something. His eyes held me. and I waited with a small smile of amusement,

"Are you in a hurry?" he finally asked.

Not in particular. no. Why?"

"I was supposed to have a luncheon with the dean of students today, but he had one of his small crises and just canceled on me. How would you like to join me for lunch? I know this little nothing place that serves the best chicken burritos and chiles renews in southeastern America. Unless you don't like Mexican food."


"I don't eat it very often, but when I've had it. I've enjoyed it."

"Is that a si?"

"Si, "I said.

"Muy bien, You can leave your car here and come with me., or follow me in your car."

"Why don't we just go in my car?" I suggested.

"Now, why didn't I think of that?" he said. laughing. "Actually. I did." he admitted as he got in. "but I didn't think it was proper to ask you to drive me."