only the doctor could be here. too."

"He is. Amou. I believe he is."

"So do I." she said, and we drove through the

gates of Joya del Mar.

"What a place!" she cried. "You have become a


"Hardly," I assured her.

The moment Mother met Amou. I could see

they would be friends forever. As was Amou's way,

she kissed Mother on both cheeks. They looked like

they would both begin to cry.

"Thank you for being the mother to my

daughter that I was unable to be." Mother told A

mou. "It was easy with such a child," Amou replied. "I wasn't always easy, Amou. What about the

time I painted the kitchen walls with honey and you

had ants forever?"

"To this day. I think of that whenever I put

honey in anything," Amou admitted.

Jennings took Amou's things to her room. and

Mother and I showed her Joya del Mar.

"Um palacio!"Amou exclaimed, "This is truly a

palace. One would think there are kings and queens in


"Some of the people who live here in Palm

Beach believe they are royalty, and some really are

related to royal families in Europe." Mother told her. After we showed her about. I took her to her

room so she could rest and dress for dinner. when. I

hoped. Linden would appear to be introduced.

Thatcher was in court but had promised to be back in
