No matter what his reasoning and the

reasonableness of his voice, and no matter how many

times I told myself he was only doing what he thought

was right for us. I couldn't prevent something hard

and heavy from growing in my chest, making it ache.

I glanced up at a sky turned stormy and foreboding,

heralding rain and wind. It sent me home faster.

-Are you all right?" Mother asked as soon as

she set eyes on me.

"Yes," I said, but then began to cry, She sat

with me and listened as I described my session with

Thatcher in his office.

It doesn't sound very romantic. I know, but the

world has become so complicated. I suppose," she

said. "I can understand him feeling that. as an

attorney, he should take care of these things, but it

does take a bit of the glow from the candles. It's not

something Romeo and Juliet would have considered." I laughed.

"Yes, I can see that scene in the play. The monk

advising the two of them to see a lawyer, especially

because of the animosity between their two families." We laughed, and I wiped a fugitive tear from

my cheek. "I'm too busy to think about it anyway." "Of course you are. and I'm sure it will never be

an issue between you again."

Was she. I wondered, or do we all say the

things to people that we know they want to hear? We

ignore so much about ourselves, especially our own

mortality. Maybe the Bunny Eatons of the world were

better off after all. See everything through rosecolored glasses, deny the dark clouds their hold over

us, spend your life avoiding sadness and depression.

Dedicate yourself to it with such energy and vigor,