Page 132 of Willow (DeBeers 1)

"I want my lawyer to call him and your lawyer and discuss your situation with them. Is that all right?"


"I have an idea." I said. 'let me see about it first. Just let them both know a Mr. Bassinger will be calling them right away, okay?"

"I don't know. I don't like the sound of this," she said. "I don't want you doing anything- that isn't good for you. too. Willow."

"I won't. That's why I have my own attorney. Okay?"

She was silent a moment and then, with some reluctance, agreed.

The moment we ended our conversation. I phoned Mr. Bassinger and told him what I was thinking.

"I'll look into it right away," he promised. ''But I'll warn you now. Willow, if this is an impulsive, illogical thing. I'll tell you and strongly advise you against it, even though it is your real mother with whom were involving you."

"That's what I want you to do," I said. "Okay," he said.

Two days later, he called for me to come to his office.

"I haven't seen the property, of course." he began. "so I have to rely on what I'm being told about it and on what some friends of mine in Palm Beach have told me as well. From what they all say, these people who have an option to buy it at a set price would, it appears, be practically stealing it."

"That's what I suspected," I said.

"On the other hand, your mother couldn't put it up for sale without their having the opportunity to buy it at that price first. It's in their agreement,


"So her only option is to keep possession until the present rental agreement and option to buy ran out?"

"Yes." he said. smiling. "You're more of a businessperson than your father was. I think."

"Daddy hated to be bothered with such mundane matters as taxes and mortgages and stocks and bonds. I know. He had no patience for it."

"Well, fortunately for him, and for you, he had very good advisors, an excellent business manager and stockbroker, and now, with the sale of your property... well..."

'Yes?" I said anxiously.

"If you're put on the deed-- in other words, if you get a percentage of the asset-- it could, with the way the real estate market is exploding down there, be a very good investment. You could carry the costs of the property and still be comfortable, as long as you don't get caught up in the Palm Beach lifestyle and spend beyond your means." he warned,

"There's no danger of that." I assured him.

He laughed. "Never say never is my motto, but okay, you understand what I'm saying."


"Is this really what you want to do. Willow? Do you believe it would be the best thing for your mother and your stepbrother and you?"

"I do, and I think-- no. I know for certain-- Daddy would want me to do this. Mr. Bassinger."

"Possibly. He was a great deal more romantic than he let on." he said. He thought a moment, 'Okay, let me explore it all. I'll get back to you in a day or two, and you can make a final decision then." "Thank you."

"These people..." He looked at his papers. "The Eatans... they're not going to be very fond of you, Willow."

"They'll get over it." I said. "They'll pour themselves some champagne, arrange for a party, and spend away their unhappiness. Sadness,

disappointment, and defeat are not permitted there, and anyone caught frowning is immediately arrested by the Fun Police."

He laughed. "Why is it I feel you're doing this with an impish grin on your face. Willow?"