child if she had not deserted her." she added, nodding

at Echo, who fortunately wasn't paying any attention

to what was being discussed. "She'd have dragged her

through the muck."

"I'm sorry about all your trouble. Mrs.


"Yeah, well, grin and bear it, my grandmother

would say." She sighed. "I'm suddenly very tired


She started to rise and I could see she had

suffered an emotional shock that added age to her old

bones instantly. I got up quickly to help her. "Thank you. dear. You two go on to bed. I'll

just clean up a bit," she said. "It's not good to lay

down your head when it's so full of agitation. You'll

spin around like a top for hours. Of course, she said,

smiling at me. "you already know all that."

I watched her amble off and then I turned to

Echo, who was staring up at me, concerned. She

quickly signed, asking if her grandmother was sick. "Just tired," I signed back. The words and the gestures came like a true second language. I smiled at how quickly I had drawn them out of the well of knowledge I had just acquired over the past few days. Echo smiled as well. She could see how happy I was

about it.

I reached out for her. She took my hand and we

went upstairs together, she to surely dream about

Tyler. I wouldn't be all that surprised to find him

wandering about in my night musings as well I


He returned right on time the following day.

Worried about my test results. I held my breath when

I saw him drive up. I was finishing up the grape

harvest with Trevor. Tyler looked my way and waved

emphatically, beckoning me to meet him.