"Ravishingly," he said, and they laughed again.

She glared at me one more time and then, smiling like a cat who had her prey trapped, shifted her eyes to Skeeter. He nodded and they left the kitchen and went upstairs, their laughter rolling back behind them.

She didn't notice or care that Echo was crying.

10 Mother's Little Helper


"Don't you worry," Trevor said after they left. "I ain't canna let her take over here. Things are different from the way they was years ago. She doesn't have her father around to take her side. Don't let her frighten you or discourage you either."

"I won't. I made a promise to Mrs. Westington that I wouldn't leave before she returned and I intend to keep it," I said.


"Good. Food does smell good. That woman can cook." he said, looking over my shoulder,

"Just give me another fifteen minutes or so and I'll have it all ready. Trevor."

"I'll be back," he said. smiling. Then he looked at the door and said, "You come to me if she causes any trouble at all."

"I will."

I turned my attention to Echo and tried to cheer her up. She was caught like a leaf in the wind, spinning and turning over with confusion. I had her set the table. I wasn't looking forward to eating with Skeeter and Rhona. but I didn't see any way out of it, and for the time being it was better to avoid conflict as much as possible.

"Where's our dinner?" Rhona shouted from the top of the stairway. "I told you we were hungry. What are you doing down there?"

I started to bring everything to the dining room. "Everything's ready. You can come down to the table," I replied.

"That's better," she said. "If you're going to be my mother's little helper, than you're my little helper, too, while you're here freeloading. C'mon. Skeeter," she called, and the two of them came down the stairway and walked into the dining room.

Trevor showed up immediately afterward, having changed his shirt and brushed his hair.

"Well, look how fancy the help are. Skeeter," Rhona said. "Puts us to shame."

"Sure does," Skeeter said.

They dug right into the food.

"Echo says grace first," I told them. "How can she do that?" Rhona asked.

"Why don't you watch and see." Trevor told her, and nodded at Echo.

They paused and looked at Echo. I nodded at her, too, and she began her signing. thanking God for our blessings,

"What the hell is she saying? She could be saying she wants a new dress or something for all we know."

"I thought Skeeter could read sign language."

"A little," he said. "but I'm sorta rusty."

"Didn't you ever know how to use it?" I asked Rhona.

"No," she said. "I never had the time for that. My mother knew enough for the both of us anyway."

"Then maybe you should learn it now if you're going to stay here," I told Rhona. "I have the book for you and--"

"Oh, you're such a goody-goody all of a sudden," she replied, twisting her lips. You have the book for me." Her face hardened. "Trying to get on my good side? Hoping I won't throw you out? Forget it. The kid belongs in a special school or something, right. Skeeter?"