mother happy, too."

"That's nice," I said dryly, still not appreciating

why his mother was so against his tutoring a deaf

child, since that was his life's work.

"You okay? You want to put on the lights?" "No, this is fine," I said. Actually, it made me

feel better to be more in the darkness than the light

when it came to being with him like this.

"Destiny eyed me coming in," he said. I could

see his smile. "But I told her I had your permission

and she relaxed."

"Right," I said. laughing.

He patted the bed. "You okay with this? Being

in here?" he asked when I hesitated.

"Yes. It's fine," I said, and sat.

"I thought about you a lot today," he said. "Did


"Yes. Actually. I couldn't get you out of my

mind and couldn't wait to get here."

"Where did you tell your mother You were

going tonight?"

"Just out, Don't worry about it," he said sharply. I wanted to ask him if he didn't think he was a

little old to be sneaking around his mother. but I didn't

want to ruin the moment or get him angry.

"Echo's so upset about her mother," I told him.

"It's heartbreaking to see.'

"We'll help her later." he said. "Let's not think about all that now." He reached out for my hand and to tarn me more toward him. "Let's just think about this." He brought his lips to mine and we kissed. It was a long, lingering kiss, almost too long. I had to

take a deep breath.

"Sorry." he said. "I'm a little overanxious." "It's okay."

He kissed me again, softer, and then he held me

for a moment, brushing his lips over my cheek and