almost as a last thought. Brenda suggested it quietly,

out of Mama's hearing.

"If things are such that you can get away for a

weekend. April, we'll have you visit. But you've got to

be sure things are okay with Mama first," she said.

"She needs you. You've got to watch over her. I'm

depending on you to do that, and that's why I don't

want you getting yourself into any sort of new trouble.


I nodded.

"She's going to be fine," Celia said. "Well call

you," she assured me again.

In the end. I had to smile and kiss her good-bye.

She surprised me by holding on to me and whispering,

"You'll be okay. honey. You'll be okay."

I watched them get into their car, wave, and


bsp; back out of the driveway. They were gone in

moments, and suddenly. I felt cold and realized how

dark and cloudy it had become. Mama had already

retreated from the doorway. I felt like running after

them. I felt like running away.

Those days of wishing time would freeze were

long gone forever for me now. If anything, minutes

took too long to become hours, and hours took too

long to become days. I wished instead that I could

close my eyes and when I opened them. I'd be

Brenda's age, getting into my car and driving off to

college or to anywhere but here.

By the time I walked back into the house.