
I opened the door and looked in. They were both on Brenda's bed, lying side by side and turned toward each other. The sight of someone else in Brenda's bed stopped me cold. I had never slept with her or crawled in beside her, even when we were in mourning. Brenda leaned on her left elbow and looked my way.

"Mama need us?" she asked. "No, not yet," I said.

"What's up?"

"Um. I spoke to Uncle Palaver yesterday," I said, searching for something quickly.

"Yeah, Mama told me when I called. Uncle Palaver," she explained,"is my mother's younger brother."

"Oh, yes, the magician. I was hoping to see him," Celia said, sitting up.

She had untied her hair and shook her head so the strands would fall loosely about her shoulders. Her hair looked so soft and light I thought the strands could float. My own hair always felt coarse and rough to me, no matter what wonder shampoo and treatment I employed.

"I was hoping he'd tell us how to make Ms. Gitalong disappear," Celia added, and they both laughed.

"Who's Ms. Gitalong?" I asked. grimacing.

"She's the dorm mother. Her real name is Gitman, but everyone calls her Gitalong because they'd like her to git along," Brenda explained. "'Celia gave her the name, and it's stuck."

The two of them laughed again.

"It doesn't sound like you're enjoying being there," I said, not hiding my hope that it was true.

"Oh, we find ways to enjoy ourselves," Brenda said, and they giggled.

I had never heard Brenda laugh so much or giggle. It was growing even more annoying.

"I'm thinking of going out for the girls' volleyball team this year." I said. "I didn't tell you on the phone because I wasn't sure, but now I am."

"Great," Brenda said. She turned back to Celia. "I think we should get ready for dinner. Why don't you ask Mama how much longer, April? Ask her if she wants us to do anything," she added.

"She doesn't." I said. "You know she doesn't. I'll ask her anyway," I said, relenting quickly, and looked at Celia, who held her smile on me like a flashlight.

I turned and hurried out to the kitchen.

"Brenda and her friend want to know how much longer. Mama," I said, making it sound as if Celia were the one being more demanding,

"Oh, tell them not to rush. I'll have everything set in an hour,' Mama said. "Isn't Brenda's friend nice and very pretty?"

"She's very pretty." I admitted. "I don't know how nice she is yet."

I walked back to Brenda's room. She was in her robe, and the door to her bathroom was closed, but I could hear the shower going.

"Mama says in about an hour," I said. I looked at the bathroom door. "Why doesn't she use the shower in her room?"

"That's just a tub shower. My stall shower is so much better," Brenda said. "Don't worry. We're quite used to sharing,everything."

She stood by her open closet, considering what to wear. Finally. I had to say it.

"I lost ten more pounds. Brenda."

She turned and looked at me. "Why, yes, you have," she said. "That's wonderful. Now, don't go gaining it back like you did last time you lost weight," she warned.

And then she turned back to her closet. The shower stopped running, and a moment later. Celia opened the door. She stood completely naked, not even using the towel to cover herself. She had the figure of a professional model, her breasts round and firm and her waist small, with a stomach as flat as a sheet of paper. She didn't seem at all self-conscious about her nudity in front of me. She gave me barely a glance.

I'd never have a figure like that, I thought sadly. "Brenda, stupid me. I forgot my electric toothbrush."