I hoped I had put something in his mind.

though. If he believed Destiny wanted him to cut

down, he might do it.

He continued to eat and watch television and

then suddenly stopped chewing and turned sharply to

me. I held my breath again.

"Don't you go counting my drinks and telling

her anything," he warned.

"I won't. She knows what she knows herself." I


He considered my answer, nodded, and

returned to watching television.

My risky idea didn't have much of an effect on

him. however. If anything. I thought his drinking got

worse. I kept track by the number of bottles he drank

and bought and saw it was increasing. Then I noticed

something even more frightening.

First. I thought it was just some ketchup stain or

tomato sauce, but soon I realized he was spitting up

blood occasionally. I saw it on tissues. and I saw it on

his cloth handkerchief. He did his best to hide it from

me, even though I had taken on the responsibility of

doing our laundry. We had a small washing machine

in the motor home, but often we took the time to stop

at a Laundromat and do a larger washing.

The second thing I noticed that put alarm in me

was his trembling. I watched him practicing his

sleight-of-hand tricks one afternoon and saw that he

was dropping things, confusing things. His hands

were trembling. The only way he seemed to be able to