me, Chris, and I want to keep you where you should

be . . . which isn't in my bed!"

Then he had me in his arms, and I couldn't help

but cling to him with my cheek pressed against his

thudding heart. He was having a hard time controlling

his tears. I wanted him to forget . . . but every second

he held me hard against him raised his hopes, and he

was aroused! And he was the one who thought we

could live platonically together! "Let me go, Chris. If

you love me for the rest of your life, keep it to

yourself; I never want to hear about it again! I love

Paul, and nothing you say will keep me from marrying

him t"

"You're lying to yourself," he choked, holding

me tighter. "I see you watching me before you turn

your eyes his way. You want me, and you want him You want everyone, and everything! Don't ruin Paul's life when already he's suffered enough! He's too old for you--and age does count! He'll be old and dried up sexually when you're at your peak! Why even Julian

would be better!"

"You are one big fool if you believe that!" "Then I'm a fool! I've always been a fool,

haven't I? When I put my love and trust in you that

was the biggest mistake of my life, wasn't it? You are

just as heartless, in your own way, as our mother! You

want every man who appeals to you, regardless of the

consequences . . . but I would let you have whomever

you wanted, as long as you always came back to me." "Christopher, you're jealous because I found

someone to love before you did! And don't stand there

and glare your icy blue eyes at me--for you've had

plenty of affairs! I know you've slept with Yolanda

Lange, and God knows how many others. And what

did you tell them? You told them you loved them too!

Well I don't love you now! I love Paul, and there's not