‘With all due respect, I don’t see why I need to reply to that question.’

Aryami looked straight into Mr Carter’s eyes but he tried to look away. The old lady smiled bitterly.

‘You’ve seen him,’ said Aryami.

‘Are we talking about a new character in the story?’

‘Who is fooling who, Mr Carter?’

The conversation seemed to have reached deadlock. Carter stood up and paced round the office under the watchful eye of Aryami Bose.

‘Supposing I believe your story,’ he said, turning towards her. ‘It’s just a supposition. What would you expect me to do now?’

‘Get Ben away from this place,’ Aryami replied emphatically. ‘Talk to him. Warn him. Help him. I’m not asking you to do anything for the boy that you haven’t already been doing for years.’

‘I need to consider this matter carefully,’ said Carter.

‘Don’t take too long. This man has waited sixteen years; perhaps he won’t mind waiting another day. Or perhaps he will.’

Carter collapsed into his armchair, defeated.

‘I had a visit from a man named Jawahal the day we found Ben,’ Carter explained. ‘He asked about the boy and I told him we didn’t know anything. Soon after, the man disappeared and was never seen again.’

‘This man uses a lot of different names and identities, but he has

only one objective, Mr Carter,’ said Aryami, her steely eyes shining. ‘I haven’t crossed the whole of India to sit and watch my daughter’s children die because of the indecision of a couple of old fools, if you’ll forgive the expression.’

‘Old fool or not, I need time to think. Perhaps we’d better talk to the police.’

Aryami sighed.

‘There is no time, and it wouldn’t do any good,’ she replied harshly. ‘Tomorrow afternoon I’m leaving Calcutta with my granddaughter. Tomorrow afternoon Ben must leave this place and get as far away as possible. You have a few hours to talk to the boy and prepare everything.’

‘It’s not that simple,’ Carter objected.

‘It’s as simple as this: if you don’t talk to him, I will,’ Aryami stated, making her way to the door. ‘And pray that this man doesn’t find him before he sees the light of day.’

‘I’ll speak to Ben tomorrow,’ said Carter. ‘I can do no more.’

Aryami threw him a last glance from the doorway.

‘Tomorrow, Mr Carter, is today.’

‘A SECRET SOCIETY?’ SHEERE asked, her eyes sparkling with curiosity. ‘I thought secret societies only existed in penny dreadfuls.’

‘Siraj here could spend hours contradicting you,’ said Ian. ‘He’s our expert on the subject.’

Siraj nodded gravely, agreeing with the reference to his boundless wisdom.

‘Have you heard about the Freemasons?’ he asked.

‘Please,’ Ben butted in. ‘Sheere is going to think we’re a bunch of sorcerer apprentices.’

‘And aren’t you?’ laughed the girl.

‘No,’ said Seth solemnly. ‘The Chowbar Society is founded on two entirely worthy principles: to help one another, and to share our knowledge so we can build a better future.’

‘Isn’t that what all great enemies of humanity claim to do?’ asked Sheere.