“That isn’t rhetoric. It’s irony. They’re two different things.”

“Do you always have to win every argument?”

“When it’s as easy as this, yes.”

“And that man …”


“Corelli. Does he make it easy for you?”

“No. Corelli knows even more tricks than I do.”

“That’s what I thought. Do you trust him?”

“Why do you ask?”

“I don’t know. Do you trust him?”

“Why shouldn’t I trust him?”

Isabella shrugged.

“What exactly has he commissioned you to write? Aren’t you going to tell me?”

“I told you. He wants me to write a book for his publishing company.”

“A novel?”

“Not exactly. More like a fable. A legend.”

“A book for children?”

“Something like that.”

“And you’re going to do it?”

“He pays very well.”

Isabella frowned.

“Is that why you write? Because they pay you well?”


“And this time?”

“This time I’m going to write the book because I have to.”

“Are you in debt to him?”

“You could put it that way, I suppose.”

Isabella weighed the matter. She was about to say something but thought twice about it and bit her lip. Instead, she gave me an innocent smile and one of her angelic looks with which she was capable of changing the subject with a simple batting of her eyelids.

“I’d also like to be paid to write,” she said.

“Anyone who writes would like the same, but it doesn’t mean that he or she will achieve it.”