“I did too. It just wasn’t my fight, I guess. I used to go out and get plastered after I’d lose, but going home with Hilary was all I needed. Her, Laney, and Tyler are my world now.”

“You’re growing up.” I grin at him.

“I’m trying. I have to remember I have responsibilities now. Those three depend on me and I’ll never let them down. How was your night with your nurse lady?”

“Paige,” I tell him. “And it was good. She stayed the night with me.” I grin, remembering just how it felt to be inside of her.

“Hell yeah.” He high-fives me.

“I had to bring her back this morning for work. An ex of hers was at her apartment waiting.”

“Inside?” Lance asks incredulously.

“No. He seemed like a fucking asshole.” I grimace just thinking about the encounter from this morning. That guy has some nerve.

“Damn. Think maybe he felt threatened you were dropping her off?” Lance asks me.

I shake my head. “No. He just looked like he constantly carries a stick up his ass.”

“Did he say why he was there?”

“He was saying something when I got out of the truck. Asked her if I knew about something, but she told him to get the hell out of there.”

“Did you ask her about whatever it was?”

“No, she just said he was nothing to worry about,” I tell him.

Lance raises his eyebrow but says nothing more. I want to ask him what he’s thinking. He’s like a brother to me, so his opinion matters, but I stay quiet. Part of me is scared he’ll say something I don’t want to hear.

Now my brain is all over the place. I’m not sure what to think, but I don’t want to press anything with Paige. I like her, the last thing I want to do is drive her away from me. My hand brushes my pocket and I can feel my phone bulging through. I walk away from Lance and go put it in my locker. Out of habit, I check it to see if she’s said anything but there’s only a weather notification. Sighing, I set the phone down, grab my glove and shut the door. Maybe once I’m done for the day there will be a message from her.


I walk into the apartment to find Ruston and Tamilyn making hamburgers and homemade fries. My stomach begins growling instantly.

“Hey Austin, you gonna hang around for dinner?” Ruston asks me as he grabs two bottles of beer from the refrigerator.

“Yeah, I have no plans,” I reply. He hands one of the bottles to me after opening it. I appreciate that small gesture.

Tamilyn walks away from peeling the potatoes and gives me a hug. “It’s good to see you, Austin.”

I grin and take a sip of my beer. “It’s good to see you too.”

“How’s the gym going?” Ruston asks. I think deep down he regrets quitting like he did, but he was right. He’d probably never have fought anyway. That’s not him.

“It’s good. There was a fight last night I went to watch,” I tell him.

“I noticed there was a, uh, piece of clothing in the washing machine this morning,” Ruston whispers.

My eyes widen and I know immediately what he’s talking about. Paige’s panties got mixed up with my clothes. “Yeah, I’m sorry about that.”

“What do you have to be sorry about? You weren’t in my bed, were you?” He laughs before suddenly turning serious.

“That’s a big no.” I chuckle.

“Rus, will you please fry these fries? I don’t like frying in grease,” Tamilyn calls out.

“Of course I will, Tammy Lou.” He walks over and kisses her. For a second, I wonder what Paige is doing. I realize I still haven’t heard from her.